On Jul 20, 2005, at 2:48 AM, Carsten Clasohm wrote:

and search for "A Horror Story About Oracle and Charsets".

Wow. Yes, that's the scenario exactly. And I'm actually somewhat proud to say that I followed almost exactly the same path as Branimir - I had a lot of respect for him back in the aD days. In fact, I actually looked at the dump file early on hoping to find a US7ASCII somewhere that I could change, but it wasn't that simple. Of course not, this is Oracle! :)

Despite the title, recovering your data is actually pretty easy -

I have never had to edit a binary file, but how bad can it be? (note to self - make copy first :)

Thanks, Carsten, looks like you may have just saved the rest of my week. I'll be back after I've tried it to report results.


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