Still plugging away at this, without much progress so far.

Branimir's directions say to edit four different spots in the dump file. The Metalink note only mentions the first. I did the first two from Branimir's list; the other two were in the middle of user data so that seemed like a bad idea.

imp gives the imp-ression (groan :) that it's working:

import done in WE8ISO8859P1 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set export server uses US7ASCII NCHAR character set (possible ncharset conversion)

(remember we don't care about NCHAR)

but the end result is unchanged - two question marks, sometimes upside down, where the 8-bit characters are.

I thought that perhaps WE8ISO8859P1 does not contain the characters in question, so I went back to the 8i system and created a database in UTF-8. Again, the load appears to work:

import done in UTF8 character set and US7ASCII NCHAR character set

but this time I got a B followed by a little square, wherever there were question marks before.

I can think of a few more things to try- try importing into AL32UTF8 under 9i, or importing under US7ASCII under 9i and then seeing if I can convert that up to something useful with ALTER DATABASE. Perhaps 8i has some bugs in this area that are fixed under 9i. Or maybe I can connect to the US7ASCII database from the WE8ISO8859P1 one and pull in data without the clobbering conversion. Stephen's search/replace idea would be my last resort, because it's easy to corrupt dump files that way, but I may yet have to do it.

And no matter which one of these works (I sure hope one of them does), I'll still have to merge the clean data into the currently corrupted but live databases. It's going to be a looong week.

It's (past) time for lunch, so I thought I'd send out an update for those of you following the saga. ;)


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