I think that is over-engineering a bit for the basic out-of-the-box version! :)

Someone should feel free to implement something like this that provides the same API as the basic version so it can be swapped out. But for now, we just need something simple. Personaly, I would create/ use an engine that is webserver independent and create a client for AOLserver for it.


On 23 Sep 2005, at 19:05, Nathan Folkman wrote:
This module assumes a single server model correct? In other words, the user's session data is tied to a single AOLserver instance, correct? Would it make more sense to abstract this out a little more? Another model would be to have a separate instance, or group, of session servers that all other servers communicate with. You could take that same model and run it on a single server instance in "loop back" mode or something for smaller sites. It really all depends on the scale you are building for. Other things to consider in that model are how you get the user back to their data - stick load balancing vs. round-robin/multi-write, etc. How is a session defined? Does it exist for the life of a browser session, or is it more permanent, surviving browser restarts? Lots of interesting ways you could go with this. :-)

- n

On Sep 23, 2005, at 1:47 PM, Daniel P. Stasinski wrote:

On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 12:44 -0400, Andrew Piskorski wrote:

Well, I've never seen a clear concise description of what "sessions
support" means exactly.

For me it means session id assigned key/value pair data that is
persistent across reboots, shutdowns, etc.  How the session id is
created and related across connections is either by query string or

The module I have written is NSV based but caches to disk.  Most
functions appear to be common to all but mine seems to have a few
features that others don't have, eg.  uplevel and capture.

 ns_session new                         # create a new session
ns_session sessions # get a list of all valid sessionid's
 ns_session reset                       # delete all sessions

ns_session reload sessionid # reload file-cached session data
 ns_session free sessionid              # releases a session id
ns_session get sessionid key # get value of a session var, error if no such key ns_session value sessionid # same as 'get' but may include a default value if no such key ns_session set sessionid key value # set a session var to a value
 ns_session unset sessionid key         # unset/erase a session var
ns_session exists sessionid key # determine if a session var exists
 ns_session append sessionid key value  # append to a session var
ns_session lappend sessionid key value # append to a session var that is a list ns_session incr sessionid key # incr a session var value by 1 ns_session names sessionid # return names of all session vars ns_session flush sessionid # flushes sessionid from memory. will reload from disk on next access. ns_session save sessionid # commits a session id to disk
 ns_session eval sessionid key          # eval a session var as code
ns_session uplevel sessionid ?prefix? # copies session vars into current mem space
 ns_session capture sessionid ?prefix?  # reverse of above

  set mysession [ns_session new]
  ns_session set $mysession fullname "Daniel P. Stasinski"
  ns_session set $mysession location "Phoenix, AZ"
  ns_session save $mysession

  ns_session uplevel $mysession ThisSessionData
  ns_puts ${ThisSessionData.fullname}
  ns_puts ${ThisSessionData.location}

  set ThisSessionData.fullname "Barney Rubble"
  set ThisSessionData.fullname "Bedrock"

  ns_session capture $mysession ThisSessionData
  ns_puts [ns_session get $mysession fullname]
     ## Barney Rubble

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