Regardless of whether this gets integrated with ns_return, or as a config, it 
is much better to start out with a new API, such as the ns_returnz or 
ns_return_compress. At the very least, ns_returnz could be a wrapper for what 
ns_return would do after figuring out the config/compression engine, etc. But 
it is very unlikely that changing the ns_return API would be a good idea.  

You can also use a trie to hold a filter type list mapping file patterns and 
compression functions. The code for picking a threadpool should be easy to 
reuse for this. In fact, you might be able to add a new config param to the 
threadpool to enable compression, but the two groups might not overlap enough 
to help.

tom jackson

On Friday 11 April 2008 14:40, Brett Schwarz wrote:
> > On 2008.04.11, Brett Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So, what I am proposing is that ns_return follows a similar structure.
> >
> > I'll suggest the introduction of "ns_return_compress ?on|off?" --
> > similar to ns_adp_compress, but for ns_return.  It would set the
> > Ns_ConnSetGzipFlag accordingly, but in requests that are not in an ADP
> > context.
> >
> > > *If* we do decide to go with a "flag" (similar to ns_adp_compress), I
> > > would like to see the default to be "on".
> >
> > In reality, compression of the output stream doesn't make sense until we
> > implement better server-side caching, which I briefly discussed with Jim
> > several years ago.  The basic idea is: some requests are "mostly static"
> > ... generated in response to a dynamic request, but the response across
> > separate requests is static until some event invalidates that cached
> > response.  In that scenario, compression of the response makes sense:
> > you compress it once and return the compressed version "many" times.
> I agree that smarter caching will definitely improve things. However, I
> think it depends on the use case for the web app. For example, my web app
> is an internal tool...and there are small number of users, hence not
> many request/sec. However, I am doing DB queries heavily with big payloads
> and my server is sitting in a remote office with a small pipe to the main
> office. So, in my case, gzipping definitely makes sense. I did some
> subjective tests, and for my case, compression seems to help.
> I have also been reading this book "High Performance Web Sites", by Steve
> Souders (good book BTW), and he advocates compression. He's an engineer
> at Yahoo, and they did some detailed studies on this. Here is a cheat sheet
> for those who are interested:
> > However, current AOLserver implementation where all dynamic requests are
> > generated dynamically, compression almost doesn't make sense: how many
> > folks are still serving content to narrowband (dialup) users?  For the
> > high-bandwidth users, the "cost" (in time spent) of compressing the
> > response vs. the savings in transmission time is almost equal (thus the
> > "minsize" parameter, preventing small responses from even being
> > compressed at all).
> IMHO, I think the "cost" vs response time savings will lessen more in
> the future, so the benefits of compression will become more so.
> > This can partially be addressed in current AOLserver by writing a
> > request handler that checks an NSV cache.  On cache misses, the response
> > is generated, compressed and stored in the NSV cache and returned to the
> > client.  On cache hits, it's simply an NSV fetch from cache and return
> > the already compressed response.
> It would be great if the core server would handle this ;)
> Thanks,
>    --brett
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