On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:50:49PM +0100, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
> Per Tunedal <per.tune...@operamail.com>
> writes:
> > Hi,
> > I'm stuck. I can't get the translation of Swedish pronouns to Danish
> > work. Specifically, I've introduced the many Swedish variations of
> > saying "I" and "you" by using an expression in third person. I've tried
> > treating the possessive for "somliga" as a genitive causing # instead of
> > *. But the possessive is treated separately for the other personal
> > pronouns, originally present. And I am trying to translate "somliga" to
> > the danish "du" (although that, in rare cases, it can refer to "ni" ,
> > 3rd person plural - both "you" in english!)

Somliga should be translated as "Nogen" or "nogle". 
Somliga går med trasiga skor.
And "man" could be used for something like "you" in english.

there are also many ways of saying "I" in Danish.

Best regards

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