On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:20:01PM +0100, Per Tunedal wrote:
> Hej Keld,
> thank you for the translation!
> Unfortunately it doesn't work:
> Somliga har det bra som kan sitta där i skuggan och läsa.
> ^Somliga/Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><nom>/Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><acc>$
> ^har/har<abbr>/ha<vbhaver><pres><actv>$
> ^det/den<det><def><nt><sg>/det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><nom>/det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><acc>$
> ^bra/bra<adv>$ ^som/som<cnjsub>/som<prn><rel><un><sp><nom>$
> ^kan/kunna<vbmod><pres><actv>$ ^sitta/sitta<vblex><inf><actv>$
> ^där/där<adv>/där<cnjsub>$ ^i/i<pr>$
> ^skuggan/skugga<n><ut><sg><def><nom>/skugga<n><ut><sg><def><cmp><compound-only-L>/skugga<n><ut><sg><def><nom><compound-R>$
> ^och/och<cnjcoo>$ ^läsa/läsa<vblex><inf><actv>$^./.<sent>$
> ^Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><nom>$ ^ha<vbhaver><pres><actv>$
> ^det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><nom>$ ^bra<adv>$
> ^som<prn><rel><un><sp><nom>$ ^kunna<vbmod><pres><actv>$
> ^sitta<vblex><inf><actv>$ ^där<adv>$ ^i<pr>$
> ^skugga<n><ut><sg><def><nom>$ ^och<cnjcoo>$
> ^läsa<vblex><inf><actv>$^.<sent>$
> ^Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><nom>$ ^ha<vbhaver><pres><actv>$
> ^det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><nom>$ ^bra<adv>$
> ^som<prn><rel><un><sp><nom>$ ^kunna<vbmod><pres><actv>$
> ^sitta<vblex><inf><actv>$ ^där<adv>$ ^i<pr>$
> ^skugga<n><ut><sg><def><nom>$ ^och<cnjcoo>$
> ^läsa<vblex><inf><actv>$^.<sent>$
> ^Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><nom>/@Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><nom>$
> ^ha<vbhaver><pres><actv>/have<vbhaver><pres><actv>$
> ^det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><nom>/det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><nom>$
> ^bra<adv>/godt<adv>$
> ^som<prn><rel><un><sp><nom>/som<prn><rel><un><sp><nom>$
> ^kunna<vbmod><pres><actv>/kunne<vbmod><pres><actv>$
> ^sitta<vblex><inf><actv>/sidde<vblex><inf><actv>$ ^där<adv>/der<adv>$
> ^i<pr>/i<pr>$ ^skugga<n><ut><sg><def><nom>/skygge<n><ut><sg><def><nom>$
> ^och<cnjcoo>/og<cnjcoo>$
> ^läsa<vblex><inf><actv>/læse<vblex><inf><actv>$^.<sent>/.<sent>$
> ^@Somliga<prn><pers><p3><un><pl><nom>$ ^have<vbhaver><pres><actv>$
> ^det<prn><pers><p3><nt><sg><nom>$ ^godt<adv>$
> ^som<prn><rel><un><sp><nom>$ ^kunne<vbmod><pres><actv>$
> ^sidde<vblex><inf><actv>$ ^der<adv>$ ^i<pr>$
> ^skygge<n><ut><sg><def><nom>$ ^og<cnjcoo>$
> ^læse<vblex><inf><actv>$^.<sent>$
> \@Somliga har det godt som kan sidde der i skyggen og læse.

Nogen har det godt som kan sidde der i skyggen og læse.
Quite good Danish.

Best regards

> Yours,
> Per Tunedal
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013, at 17:11, k...@keldix.com wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:50:49PM +0100, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
> > > Per Tunedal <per.tune...@operamail.com>
> > > writes:
> > > 
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I'm stuck. I can't get the translation of Swedish pronouns to Danish
> > > > work. Specifically, I've introduced the many Swedish variations of
> > > > saying "I" and "you" by using an expression in third person. I've tried
> > > > treating the possessive for "somliga" as a genitive causing # instead of
> > > > *. But the possessive is treated separately for the other personal
> > > > pronouns, originally present. And I am trying to translate "somliga" to
> > > > the danish "du" (although that, in rare cases, it can refer to "ni" ,
> > > > 3rd person plural - both "you" in english!)
> > 
> > 
> > Somliga should be translated as "Nogen" or "nogle". 
> > Somliga går med trasiga skor.
> > And "man" could be used for something like "you" in english.
> > 
> > there are also many ways of saying "I" in Danish.
> > 
> > Best regards
> > keld
> > 
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