On Thu, 3 Aug 2000 16:33:09 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric S. Emerson) 

> Hi Glenn, et al,
>            I still can't get on line with A1.66.
> I made changes you recommended to arachne.cfg. Core 1.64
> still works fine but when I use core 1.66 epppd doesn't
> seem able to load the packet. Can you send the URL to get
> epppdd. IIUC epppdd is a diagnostic version which will send
> some error messages to the screen ? Maybe I will be able to
> figure this out then.

> Thanks for your help,
>                      Eric

The version of epppdd.exe I am using is included in the
Dospppd v0.5;alpha package.

You'll fine it and v0.6;beta here....

Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED] North Jackson, Ohio, USA
DOS prog. for QV cameras http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/qvplay.html
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