Hi Glenn, et al,
                I still can't get on line with A1.66.
I made changes you recommended to arachne.cfg. Core 1.64
still works fine but when I use core 1.66 epppd doesn't
seem able to load the packet. Can you send the URL to get
epppdd. IIUC epppdd is a diagnostic version which will send
some error messages to the screen ? Maybe I will be able to
figure this out then.

    Thanks for your help,

Glenn McCorkle wrote:
>On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:30:32 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric S.
>Emerson) wrote:
>> Hi Glenn,
>>     Thanks. I did a file compare on your config (GACF.TXT)
>> and mine (EACF.TXT). See results below. Please comment as
>> appropriate.
>> Eric
>> Comparing files EACF.TXT and GACF.TXT
>> ***** EACF.TXT
>> [profile]
>> Profile 386PC.ACF
>> Connection @epppd.exe>>PPP.LOG <----why do I only have epppd, not epppdd
>> Hangup @termin.com 0x60>NUL
>> ***** GACF.TXT
>> [profile]
>> Profile glennmcc.ACF
>> Connection @lh epppdd.exe>PPP.LOG
>> Hangup @termin.com 0x60>NUL
>> *****
> EPPPDD.EXE is the "debug version" of epppd.exe
>It's the only one I've been able to get loaded "high" and still have
>Arachne able to access. (have not figured out why Arachne can't access
>epppd if it's loaded high)
>> ***** EACF.TXT
>> Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
>> ;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in AUTOEXEC...
>> ***** GACF.TXT
>> ;Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
>> ;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in AUTOEXEC...
>> *****
>> ***** EACF.TXT
>> UseTerminal Yes
>> Port 3
>> Irq 5
>> Base Default  <----- Do I need to change to 0x???
>> Mode 8N1
>> ***** GACF.TXT
>> UseTerminal Yes
>> Port 1
>> Irq 4
>> Base 0x3f8
>> Mode 8N1
>> *****
> Yes, you should change it to indicate the *correct* base port address.
>This has been a stumbling block for too many users to keep count of.
>Arachne v1.66 no longer uses "Default" as default. :-)
>> ***** EACF.TXT
>> Speed 38400
>> InitString AT&F
>> DialString ATDT
>> PhoneNumber ********
>> Autologin Yes
>> ***** GACF.TXT
>> Speed 38400
>> InitString AT&fs7=90s11=50
>> DialString ATDT
>> PhoneNumber ********
>> Autologin Yes
>> *****
>> ***** EACF.TXT
>> WaitFor1 ogin:
>> Response1 *********@freewwweb.com
>> WaitFor2 assword:
>> Response2 ********
>> ;WaitFor3 -
>> ;Response3 -
>> ;WaitFor4 -
>> ;Response4 -
>> PPPusername *********@freewwweb.com
>> PPPpassword ********
> OK, there's a major problem soon to show-up.
>If you haven't heard..... freewwweb is "almost dead". :-)
>> ***** GACF.TXT
>> WaitFor1 ogin:
>> Response1 \u
>> WaitFor2 sword:
>> Response2 \p
>> WaitFor3 beginning
>> Response3
>> WaitFor4
>> Response4
>> PPPusername *****
>> PPPpassword *****
>> *****
>> ***** EACF.TXT
>> [tcp/ip]
>> IP_Address ppp
>> IP_Grab IP address set to  <---- Why is this different ?
>> NameServer
>> AltNameServer
>> Gateway
>> ***** GACF.TXT
>> [tcp/ip]
>> IP_Address PPP
>> IP_Grab local
>> NameServer
>> AltNameServer
>> Gateway
>> *****
>When epppd.exe is used, the IP_Grab line does not seem to matter.
>Core.exe places that text into PPP.LOG
>And it doesn't seem to matter what text we use.
>I have tried all of the following and they have all worked fine.
>1) IP address set to
>2) my IP address is
>3) the dynamic IP for this session is
>4) what the heck does this number mean ???? :-)
> #4 is not a joke!
>It works, try it. :-)
>(I'll do it right now and paste-in the resulting PPP.LOG)
>OK, I'm on-line now using these 2 changes in arachne.cfg
>Was----- Connection @lh epppdd.exe>PPP.LOG
>Is now-- Connection @epppd.exe>>PPP.LOG
>Was----- IP_Grab local
>Is now-- IP_Grab What the heck does this number mean ??? :-)
>--- current PPP.LOG ---
>PPPD status: What the heck does this number mean ??? :-)
>Now I'll hang-up and re-connect with the "normal" stuff.
>On the other hand,
> I have found that when epppdd.exe is loaded high, the "IP_Grab" line
>must contain the exact text which precedes the IP address in PPP.LOG
>(this information is placed into PPP.LOG from the output of EPPPDD.EXE)
>--- my current PPP.LOG ---
>sifaddr ppp0: local, remote, netmask
> I hope you find this information both useful and entertaining. :-)

            |  Ayrx |__\_       Eric S. Emerson
            | E-male:~_: !      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            `~(*)~~~~(*)~'      `````````````````````````    

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