On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:30:32 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric S.
Emerson) wrote:

> Hi Glenn,
>     Thanks. I did a file compare on your config (GACF.TXT)
> and mine (EACF.TXT). See results below. Please comment as
> appropriate.

> Eric

> Comparing files EACF.TXT and GACF.TXT

> ***** EACF.TXT
> [profile]
> Profile 386PC.ACF
> Connection @epppd.exe>>PPP.LOG <----why do I only have epppd, not epppdd
> Hangup @termin.com 0x60>NUL

> ***** GACF.TXT
> [profile]
> Profile glennmcc.ACF
> Connection @lh epppdd.exe>PPP.LOG
> Hangup @termin.com 0x60>NUL
> *****

 EPPPDD.EXE is the "debug version" of epppd.exe
It's the only one I've been able to get loaded "high" and still have
Arachne able to access. (have not figured out why Arachne can't access
epppd if it's loaded high)

> ***** EACF.TXT

> Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
> ;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in AUTOEXEC...
> ***** GACF.TXT

> ;Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
> ;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in AUTOEXEC...
> *****

> ***** EACF.TXT
> UseTerminal Yes
> Port 3
> Irq 5
> Base Default  <----- Do I need to change to 0x???
> Mode 8N1

> ***** GACF.TXT
> UseTerminal Yes
> Port 1
> Irq 4
> Base 0x3f8
> Mode 8N1
> *****

 Yes, you should change it to indicate the *correct* base port address.
This has been a stumbling block for too many users to keep count of.
Arachne v1.66 no longer uses "Default" as default. :-)

> ***** EACF.TXT
> Speed 38400
> InitString AT&F
> DialString ATDT
> PhoneNumber ********
> Autologin Yes

> ***** GACF.TXT
> Speed 38400
> InitString AT&fs7=90s11=50
> DialString ATDT
> PhoneNumber ********
> Autologin Yes
> *****

> ***** EACF.TXT
> WaitFor1 ogin:
> Response1 *********@freewwweb.com
> WaitFor2 assword:
> Response2 ********
> ;WaitFor3 -
> ;Response3 -
> ;WaitFor4 -
> ;Response4 -
> PPPusername *********@freewwweb.com
> PPPpassword ********

 OK, there's a major problem soon to show-up.
If you haven't heard..... freewwweb is "almost dead". :-)

> ***** GACF.TXT
> WaitFor1 ogin:
> Response1 \u
> WaitFor2 sword:
> Response2 \p
> WaitFor3 beginning
> Response3
> WaitFor4
> Response4
> PPPusername *****
> PPPpassword *****

> *****

> ***** EACF.TXT
> [tcp/ip]
> IP_Address ppp
> IP_Grab IP address set to  <---- Why is this different ?
> NameServer
> AltNameServer
> Gateway

> ***** GACF.TXT
> [tcp/ip]
> IP_Address PPP
> IP_Grab local
> NameServer
> AltNameServer
> Gateway
> *****

When epppd.exe is used, the IP_Grab line does not seem to matter.
Core.exe places that text into PPP.LOG
And it doesn't seem to matter what text we use.
I have tried all of the following and they have all worked fine.

1) IP address set to
2) my IP address is
3) the dynamic IP for this session is
4) what the heck does this number mean ???? :-)

 #4 is not a joke!
It works, try it. :-)
(I'll do it right now and paste-in the resulting PPP.LOG)

OK, I'm on-line now using these 2 changes in arachne.cfg

Was----- Connection @lh epppdd.exe>PPP.LOG
Is now-- Connection @epppd.exe>>PPP.LOG

Was----- IP_Grab local
Is now-- IP_Grab What the heck does this number mean ??? :-)

--- current PPP.LOG ---
PPPD status: What the heck does this number mean ??? :-)

Now I'll hang-up and re-connect with the "normal" stuff.

On the other hand,
 I have found that when epppdd.exe is loaded high, the "IP_Grab" line
must contain the exact text which precedes the IP address in PPP.LOG
(this information is placed into PPP.LOG from the output of EPPPDD.EXE)

--- my current PPP.LOG ---
sifaddr ppp0: local, remote, netmask

 I hope you find this information both useful and entertaining. :-)

Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED] North Jackson, Ohio, USA
DOS prog. for QV cameras http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/qvplay.html
Other stuff http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
            Arachne, The Web Browser for DOS
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