Not really OT, unless OT = On Topic, since we want these Web sites to be
viewable from Arachne.

(begin quote)
Dear Jake,

We're sorry that your browser was not able to access Instant Books.  It was
designed to work with IE and Netscape, and we do expect that close to 99%
of our visitors use one of those browsers.

Please let me know if you have any other questions,

Laura Roberts
(end of quote)

This is a classic case of somebody who needs to view

Trouble with IE and Netscape is their slowness, and then image-laden Web sites
add to the World Wide Wait.  ZDNet is Lynx-only for me, Lynx flies while Arachne
or Netscape crawls.  About is nearly Lynx-only.  Those overcomplex Web designs
make me wish they'd scrap the WWW in favor of Gopher.  I want information, not
glitz, and I'd guess many other Internet users feel the same way.  Shockwave
just adds to the bloat needed to view some Web sites, and the way things are
going, more bloatware is in the future.  

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