> This is a classic case of somebody who needs to view
> http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign

> Trouble with IE and Netscape is their slowness, and then image-laden Web sites
> add to the World Wide Wait.  ZDNet is Lynx-only for me, Lynx flies while Arachne
> or Netscape crawls.  About is nearly Lynx-only.  Those overcomplex Web designs
> make me wish they'd scrap the WWW in favor of Gopher.  I want information, not
> glitz, and I'd guess many other Internet users feel the same way.  Shockwave
> just adds to the bloat needed to view some Web sites, and the way things are
> going, more bloatware is in the future.

  Hmmm... I fing that IE4 (16bit) and A166 run at roughly the same speed,
given similiar tasks. IE's ability to handle JavaScript doesn't slow its
rendering of AQC, home.arachne, &c. 
  What's the problem? This IE version/computer *are* rather slow with
Java-laden pages, but at least I am able to access them!
  My problem is that I must resort to IE in the first place...

PS- I do not regularly use pages that can be accessed with JS disabled.
In my situation its all or nothing. 

                       - Pete Randolph -
                 - Morristown Corners, Vermont -

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