Thomas Mueller wrote:
> Not really OT, unless OT = On Topic, since we want these Web sites to be
> viewable from Arachne.
> (begin quote)
> Dear Jake,
> We're sorry that your browser was not able to access Instant Books.  It was
> designed to work with IE and Netscape, and we do expect that close to 99%
> of our visitors use one of those browsers.
> Please let me know if you have any other questions,
> Laura Roberts
> ZDNet
> (end of quote)
> This is a classic case of somebody who needs to view
> Trouble with IE and Netscape is their slowness, and then image-laden Web sites
> add to the World Wide Wait.  ZDNet is Lynx-only for me, Lynx flies while Arachne
> or Netscape crawls.  About is nearly Lynx-only.  Those overcomplex Web designs
> make me wish they'd scrap the WWW in favor of Gopher.  I want information, not
> glitz, and I'd guess many other Internet users feel the same way.  Shockwave
> just adds to the bloat needed to view some Web sites, and the way things are
> going, more bloatware is in the future.

I agree with those comments Thomas. 
But I think you should have CCd it to Laura Roberts. <G>

-  Clarence Verge
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