Hi Clarence,
             Well said Sahib! Is "tilting with windmills"
the same as jousting with them?
     By the way, anyone who has never had to deal with
sheep has no idea how helpless sheep are without their
herds-person (to be politically correct <G>).


Clarence Verge wrote:
>The original message mentioned bloat. Bloat all by itself is offensive to me
>whether the software works or not. How fat is IE and all it's required support
>compared to Arachne ?
>It may be true that the ability to handle js doesn't appreciably slow down IE
>on non js laden sites, but that is VERY  far from the point.
>The very existence of a world full of js capable computers slows the web down
>for EVERYONE. Compare the size and load time of a typical js laden page (try
>home.arachne for a start) with the same page containing only html. And then
>go one step further and strip it down to its' information content and transmit
>THAT in text format.
>There's the rub. We know what it could be like. Imagine everyone on the planet
>having a 1MEGAbyte/sec connection. That's what we could have RIGHT NOW without
>all this crap. You could still get images, movies, music.
>Their download times won't be improved nearly as much as their access times,
>but it would be like you were the only one using the web. <G>
>>   What's the problem? This IE version/computer *are* rather slow with
>> Java-laden pages, but at least I am able to access them!
>Direct your energy towards the PROBLEM. JS and the other crap. I KNOW you
>want to go to those sites. But you aren't drawn there because of this crap
>are you ?  I am fortunate in that I can usually sit back here in the stone age
>and do without anything a site like that may offer me.
>But sometimes it does bother me that I can't get technical information from
>semiconductor manufacturers because of the access barriers they unknowingly
>put up, so I grit my teeth and make the phones calls and harrass THEM !
>I make them do some work in the hope that their internal complaints may lower
>those barriers.
>As a last resort, I dream of the class action suit that we could all bring
>against M$ and their spawn if we got together instead of giving up. Think
>of the health risks associated with running into these crappy sites. The
>dramatic rise in blood pressure when you find some ahole is deliberately
>preventing you from accessing your bank account or stock portfolio.
>This isn't about tilting at windmills, it's about herding sheep.

            |  Ayrx |__\_       Eric S. Emerson
            | E-male:~_: !      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            `~(*)~~~~(*)~'      `````````````````````````    

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