Hi Cristian!

11 Dec 2001, Cristian Burneci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 CB> I am astonished by this method Caldera has chosen in order to install
 CB> Linux. Red Hat is able to install itself on an empty disk, containing
 CB> all the tools necessary to partition it.
So does Caldera :)))

I use also Redhat at home, but I once needed Linux on a notebook, and had
only a CD from a local computer magazine containing caldera linux.
No problem whatsover to install it. (no need for dos/windows)

But I like Redhat much better ...

 CB> Cristian Burneci

CU, Ricsi

|~)o _ _o  Richard Menedetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> {ICQ: 7659421} (PGP)
|~\|(__\|  -=> Contentsoftaglinemaysettleduringshipping <=-

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