At 09:21 AM 12/10/01, you wrote:
>That's good to know.  Thanks.  I will learn more about it.  I am very
>new to Linux and I don't know about how to mount drives and look at
>their files.  BTW, my DOS and Windows files are on Drive C.  My Linux
>installation is also on the same hard drive but the logical drive letters
>aren't visible from DOS and I don't even know yet how to find DOS drive
>letters from within Linux.  Please don't try to explain at this time
>because I will probably find out about this in the book or in a help file
>somewhere.  If I can't find the answers on how to do this I will post
>questions to the list.  I have a lot to learn before I can start asking
>intelligent questions about how to use Linux.
>Sam Heywood

I can't give you exact instructions but I can assure you that Linux will 
recognize it as hdd1 and it'll be related to the "mount" command.  If you 
want to read the instructions how to use the mount command to mount your 
msdos partition, enter "man mount" at your linux command prompt after you 
boot up and log in.  it'll display the whole deal and you can open a second 
command line window (console) by hitting one of your 12 function keys and 
switch between the first console which is always f1 and the second (you'll 
probably use f2) by just hitting the function key in question.  This way 
you can leave the man page open in f1 and try out stuff in f2 and bounce 
back and forth as you learn.  It'll be a command along the lines of "mount 
msdos hdda1" and a few switches.
your linux names the partitions as compounds of hdd for the hard disk 
drive, alphas for the primary or secondary IDE and master or slave (a, b, 
c, d,) and 1, 2 or 3 or so on for the partition on that drive
so, master disk drive, primary is hdda
primary partition on master drive, primary IDE (the only one DOS will use 
for it's boot) is hdda1
Okay, so I did try to explain.  So sue me!  :-)
Have mucho fun!

For a country to be free it's citizens must have a way to defy unjust 
laws.  The new electronic snooping devices are a step in the direction of 
fascism.  Consequently I am appending the following Carnivore Confusion 
noise to all outgoing email:
"Allah; America; Anthrax; arms; bomb; border; capitalist; communicate; 
customs; death; delivery;  economic; imperialist; jihad; plane; PGP; 
rendevous; trucks; war; weapons; U.S.A.;
end transmission

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