On Thu, 07 Aug 2003 15:26:03 -0500, Sam Ewalt wrote:

> Somehow Arachne needs to become a "project" that will attract
> new talent and an influx of ability and energy.

An excellent idea! Now if we could only get Michael to agree. Or even
answer our mail. It seems he is much too busy with other projects to
bother with Arachne.

> There is a large pool of DOS programmers involved in the FreeDOS
> project--perhaps Arachne can become integrated into that
> community as the "FreeDOS web browser".

> Something like that has to happen for Arachne to evolve further
> and become more capable.

Yes, the problem is that we are a small community, which necessarily
means a smaller pool of talent to draw on.

More participants means more ideas and/or solutions.

Not only that, more participants means many more opportunities for
partial solutions to come together to give a successful result.

This is what we really need!!!


-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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