On Tue, 12 Aug 2003 13:22:57 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

> No, it does not let you out.  You can run a Unixish version of PINE
> in a remote shell, even if your operating system is DOS.  The Unixish
> versions will access POP3 servers.


> For accessing your POP3 inboxes you can use Unixish versions of PINE
> running on a remote Unixish shell account.  You can use DOS Telnet or
> SSHDOS to log on to your remote shell account.  For security reasons
> it is preferable to log on using SSHDOS instead of Telnet.

That sounds interesting. But I have no idea where to start setting up
something like that. Nor what SSHDOS might be.

Perhaps for the time being I should put up with downloading everything
and sorting it out offline...

Thanks anyway for the tip. Maybe when I have more time I'll follow it

Greg Mayman

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