> Well o.k. on the "all" , I figured as much too. Really I did....
> I am aware of some stuff already being 'split'. Really I was.....
> Perhaps a better way of viewing my rant is to look at things this way;
> CAN some of the various things proposed to date (in this thread) be
> accomplished in a more 'elegant' way ? <- I am asking that this question
> be asked EACH time someone proposes a 'solution' to some 'problem/issue'
> they are facing.

Can YOU propose a more elegant way to do the things? If you can, please
instead of ranting, make you proposal, as asked when this thread started.

I have seen in this thread solutions to problems that are not problems at
> all !; i.e. Stuff that is solved with simple scripting and using things
> like provides, conflicts, and many of the other 'improvements' that
> ALREADY exist in pacman. <- Yes, some of this discussion has been to
> improve things that do NOT exist, but some has not. I WAS SPEAKING TO ALL

They might not be problems for you. Remember that there are other users
also, and ultimately the devs try to solve MOST PEOPLE problems.
On a side note, MANY "problems" put on this thread were NOT the problems
intended to be solved by splitting packages, like separating -dev, and etc.
There are other real problems like splitting gcc in gcc and gcc-lib, which I
think is reasonable. As I said before: all comes down to some policies. No
one wants to make Arch become debian, we all went through it, be assured.
BUT to some very specific problems, the splitting possibility may be a clean
and elegant solution. Also, remember, the devs aren't paid for anything,
they do this mostly for fun, so if something can help them, I think they
have the right (and even the obligation) to do it.

Now let me try to make this more clear for everyone:
No one wants to make Arch be debian. It´s not the intent. Really. The intent
is to solve some problems. So please use this thread to propose better and
elegant SOLUTIONS to the split-package problem, so we can continue having
the KISS Distro we all like.

Also, I thought on asking the devs to enumerate what are the kinds of
problems do they intend on solving with split-packages. First to stop people
complaining about things that aren't true. Second I think it can help if we
have details on the problem at hand as we try to propose solutions.

Just my 0,02


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