Hello Aaron!

Am Dienstag, 6. November 2007 21:42:04 schrieben Sie:
> On Nov 6, 2007 6:34 AM, Dirk Kredler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > What i am trying to say is: i am more and more scared about "pacman -Syu"
> Well, while I feel for you, I really do, I need to point out that the
> above problems are _all_ kernel or module related.
> Some of these things have most likely been announced/solved already -
> for instance your Thinkpad "X doesn't work" bug is MOST likely related
> to using the binary fglrx module, which needed the -ignoreABI flag.

Never heared about this Flag. I will check this out, and try it later.

About the Kernel issue: as far as i can remember, it was a packaging problem 
and solved really quick afterwards.

The fcpic issue is solved, it is indeed a binary module problem as tobias 
pointed out - i have to live with it.

The tp43p issue: at the moment i have unfortunately not the time to check this
deeper - i will try to do that at sunday.

For me, it s not the biggest problem to stay for a while with the "old" 
x-server :-)

> Here's a question: are you running the testing repo?

No, i use only core, extra and community.

Thank you very much

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