On Nov 7, 2007 1:28 AM, Dirk Kredler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > What i am trying to say is: i am more and more scared about "pacman -Syu"
Every time the a major package is updated, pacman, kernel or xorg,
often it requires more than just reboot.  I have found that if I read
the news feed on the main page, in the announcements, on this mailing
list or even in the changelog, that I am able to quickly resolve most
problems.  For example, Changing to the new sata-like links for all my
PATA drives was a little weird at first, but after just one flawed
reboot in grub (forgot to set the parameters), I'm now running on the
latest and greatest instead of clinging to the old stuff that I
believe will eventually leave the kernel.  These kernel issues like
other people have said, just happen as a result of the kernel updates.

> The tp43p issue: at the moment i have unfortunately not the time to check this
> deeper - i will try to do that at sunday.
I recently had a problem on my T41.  What I did to solve it was to
rename my xorg.conf to some dummy filename, and start X (which worked
fine).  After  putting the xorg.conf back, I  found there were some
lines in my xorg that were no good, namely the lines about
AGPFastWrite and the AGP speed which was set to 8x.  I'm sorry I'm not
at my laptop so I don't have the specifics I removed, but if you'd
like to see my xorg.conf I can send it, though I am using the radeon


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