Hello Adam,

thank you very much for your reply.

Am Montag, 12. November 2007 09:35:18 schrieben Sie:
> Every time the a major package is updated, pacman, kernel or xorg,
> often it requires more than just reboot.  I have found that if I read
> the news feed on the main page, in the announcements, on this mailing
> list or even in the changelog, that I am able to quickly resolve most
> problems.  For example, Changing to the new sata-like links for all my
> PATA drives was a little weird at first, but after just one flawed
> reboot in grub (forgot to set the parameters), I'm now running on the
> latest and greatest instead of clinging to the old stuff that I
> believe will eventually leave the kernel.  These kernel issues like
> other people have said, just happen as a result of the kernel updates.

you are totaly right - i have taken a few steps to make my life easier:
- i have the server cloned and check first the clone for updates
- i read this list
- i check the announcements and 
- i check the forum and
- i read what pacman says to me ;-)

so, till now this works very good - before that i was a little naive ;-)

and you are right: after some digging here and there i found out,
that 99,99% of my problems  resulted from upstream issues.

> > The tp43p issue: at the moment i have unfortunately not the time to check
> > this deeper - i will try to do that at sunday.
> I recently had a problem on my T41.  What I did to solve it was to
> rename my xorg.conf to some dummy filename, and start X (which worked
> fine).  After  putting the xorg.conf back, I  found there were some
> lines in my xorg that were no good, namely the lines about
> AGPFastWrite and the AGP speed which was set to 8x.  I'm sorry I'm not
> at my laptop so I don't have the specifics I removed, but if you'd
> like to see my xorg.conf I can send it, though I am using the radeon
> driver.

there is (again an upstream problem!) an issue with the fglrx driver at
the moment: the actual driver release doesent work for FireGL devices and i 
have one in the thinkpad, so its a problem from ati.

there is a rumour that ati releases this month an update that will solve
the problem with FireGL graphics cards, till then i stick with the older 
xserver and firegl modul.

i cant use the ati / radeon opensource driver, because i am not able to
setup it properly in an dualhead environment, there seem to be some bugs 
in the driver, i dont know, but as i am using the thinkpad as my main
workstation and i am really busy at the moment, i cant try it out.

if you have a working dualhead configuration with the radeon/ati driver, it 
would be great for me to see your xorg.conf

Thank you very much

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