On 11/10/2008 6:18 PM India Time, _$ Pavan Kumar $_ wrote:

> "Don't create hype. When people enumerate 10 songs of ARR in this year
> that they consider mindblowing and outstanding, it is just impossible,
> and such ratings sounds outright fake and can't be digested even with
> tonnes of salt."
> Rawat, I dont know why if someone chooses 10 songs as mindblowing and 
> outstanding seems fake to you? Everybody have there own musical 
> tastes....I think we need to respect each other opinions and not call it 
> as fake..

No. selecting 10 songs releaseD withing a year as mindblowing/ 
outstanding is an outright hype.

It is chamchagiri. It is being loudspeaker of ARR. It is possessed men's 
senseless blabbering.

It does not deserve any respect and is just a wastage of bandwidth.

Such type of mails would scare honest fans away from this list as they 
would judge that this list is full of tARRorists.


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