I am hearing the words mediocre and average being thrown around in some places 
to describe Blue's music in some reviews.  Guys, how can such brilliant work be 
average?  The depth of compositions and intricate orchestration and 
arrangements is anything BUT average or below.  Even saying above average is a 
huge understatement.  

Keep in mind, I'm not downing anyone who doesn't like the music due to personal 
taste...have no problem with that.  But to call the music average when it is 
clearly musically superior in compositional terms is just false.

I can't believe how much I'm posting about Blue's music.  You can tell I'm very 
excited and very happy.....almost bubbling with joy and can't contain myself 
from posting here to express it!  

Thanks Gopal for creating a group that allows me to post my thoughts and 
feelings so freely!! 

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