That was quite an info. Thanks.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:45 PM, wiredbeats . <>wrote:

> hey!
> i don't know about all that. Just that i am a huge fan of headphones and i
> try and collect some rare or some sorta expensive ones. But in audio stuff
> expensive does not mean good!..there are some basic ipod headphones for even
> 1000 rupees by sennheiser that are damn cool, esply the bass response. Try
> it or try 'JBL reference' headphones i think it costs 2500 rupees, an
> absolute stunner.
> OK, here is the little i know and it works
> *Home Theatre*
> Dont go by the number of speakers. Some sony models come with 5 center
> button speakers and woofer of 4 channels thats like 11 speakers!! -  Farce.
> Just take any 850RMS above home theatre with auto/manual calibration. Use
> manual calibration for rear right and rear left and notch it by say 1.5 dB.
> treble sounds crispper then. Works for ALL RAHMAN DISCS.
> Don't go by the size of the woofer. As long as its in a wooden box its
> fine.However, don't ever push the woofer into a corner of the room. It booms
> and the bass reproduction is wrong. You are looking for a rumble not windows
> rattling. Move your woofer about half feet away from walls. Test it by
> playing Maula Maula track from Delhi 6 ( a suble bass line that sounds so
> great!!)
> If you have some cash to blow try these
>    - Jamo S 606 home speaker systems
>    - Harmom Kardon HKTS series
> And yes, i agree Bose is over rated. Its great but lot of other guys have
> caught on and now theres very little difference. Go right ahead and by
> anything nice thats has packed speakers in wood. Not plastic.
> And if you get a DVD/CD player with the package but it. Normally u only get
> an AMP. In that case PLEASE do not compromise on your DVD player. Don't fit
> local ones.
> Play CDs and not MP3s in these systems to judge the output.
> Sometimes we might feel the bass or treble is low while playing a CD. But
> the sonic range is usually very rich and if you just change your seat it
> might sound better.
> *CD players *
> *
> *
> I sometimes think standlone systems sound way better. When you buy a HiFI
> or a mini HiFi, try and locate one with a manual EQ. This feature is
> becoming quite rare and i hate it. I found a pair from Wharfedale quite
> stunning. But then don't break your head!, but any neat wooden bookshelf
> speakers with system of about 150 RMS will be just fine for a small room.
> Like a Hostel room.
> *Headphones*
> *
> *
> Firstly, throw your iPOD headphones into the trash. The device works fine,
> but pathetic headphones.For your regular use like running,GYMing etc buy the
> Sennheiser that comes in a green box ( don't know the model number). Costs
> about 1500 rupees. It takes your iPOD audio to a different level. However, i
> found HD 595 Senheisser the awesomest one! Bose also works, but dont pay
> that much seriously. MP3 is MP3, you wont get some magic extra sounds and
> most of today's bollywood music is compressed and fedility is missing ( this
> included BLUE also,sorry ...). Blue sounds bad even in good headphones.
> Seriously, whats with that?
> *Audiophiles thingy*
> *
> *
> Well, investing on sound is not a bad idea only if you are listening to
> that kind of a material in its original medium. And this does not include
> Original MP3 CDs! Some of these Sony CD contain 'Super MP3!!' what the heck
> is that!
> The thing is, Audiophiles range is no doubt superior but it depends a lot
> on listening ambiance. Mostly we live in apartments with lot of world noises
> and volume issues. With this we only end up under utilizing the machines.
> And if you hookup an MP3 player you are just wasting your money in those.
> Most materials are not produced for Audiophiles.
> *Dos and Don'ts for playing audio CDs*
> *
> *
> Don't look for surround sound in audio CDs. Even if its is Rahman you won't
> find 5.1 effect in audio CDs. Its not meant for it. Super Audio CD or SACD
> is very rare. I have a few but have not compared with any standard CD medium
> of the same track.
> Don't increase the volume and think wow. If you can't hear details in 1/3rd
> volume then either your setting is wrong or the CD is badly recorded.
> Selected purly in brilliance in the sound
> (Not in any order)
>    1. Dil Se Re
>    2. Marudhaani - Sakkarakatti
>    3. Ghanan Ghanan - Lagaan *(Bose showrooms used this track as demo for
>    a long time!)*
>    4. Taal Se Taal Mila
>    5. Gurus of peace - Vandemataram
>    6. Do Kadam - Meenaxi - A Tale of 3 Cities
>    7. Ekla Chalo - Bose the forgotten Hero
>    8. Main Albeli -Zubeida
>    9. Kwaja Mere Kwaja - Jodha Akbar
>    10. Aha Tamizhamma - Azhagiya Tamizh Magan
> Note Roja is missing!..yeah its old now. But worth a remaster i think
> Hope this was of some use!!
> Regards
> Wb
> ------------------------------
> To:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 12:47:26 +0530
> Subject: Re: [arr] any 'Audiophiles' on this group?
>    >
> > Are you the kind that listens to your music on audiophile-grade
> equipment. What's your configuration (receivers, speakers, etc)?
> >
> Are you ? What is your configuration ? and how much did it all cost ?
> >
> > One of the first myths that was busted early on by one of my friends was
> that Bose makes crappy systems!!! (What??? you may ask). They have great
> marketing, but unfortunately doesn't make the cut for most audiophiles.
> >
> So, you are saying Bose does not make crappy systems and still it
> doesn't make the cut for most audiophiles ? I thought Bose did make
> great sound systems. But i couldn't even afford one.
> The only thing I listen music with is a Sennheiser earphone. It is
> much better than that crappy ipod earphones, so I am happy with it.
> But having a studio built into your home with the most expensive sound
> systems in the world is just waste of time and money, of course unless
> you are that rich.
> you could always argue that these brands you mentioned give high
> quality sound. But I think most of these so called Audiophiles do that
> because they just want to show off their equipments and their superior
> taste.
> I have seen rich gamers building costliest gaming rigs with a super
> computer's configuration, just so that they can play games?
> craziness.
> That's just my opinion :)

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