
Maybe you have misunderstood something in the process.

You can not do a DB Restore from your old server to your new server. You have
to do one of the following:
A - upgrade
1. Copy your prod db
2. Install/Upgrade the DB-copy using the Remedy installer
3. Use DDM or RRR|Chive to copy delta data when you switch your users to the
new server

B - new install
1. Install a new Remedy 9 on a new DB instance
2. Use DDM or RRR|Chive to copy the data from old to new system (will take a
long time)
3. Use DDM or RRR|Chive to copy delta data when you switch your users to the
new server

I am talking about RRR|Chive as this is a free tool to migrate data and do
delta data migrations. DDM has some limitations or disadvantages. If you are a
custom shop, I think that RRR|Chive might be a better option, and that you
should go with "B - new install".

        Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se (ARSList MVP 2011)

Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.

> Thanks a lot everyone for providing your valuable inputs for my query.
> I would also like to confirm few remaining things :
> I am writing a doc for next steps to perform after installation of fresh
> Remedy 9 :
> 1. Running BCPU Utility to convert overlays of OOB Objects (we have
> modified OOB User and Group forms).
> 2. Can we run this utility on our current dev server to identify which OOB
> were modified ?
> 3. Will BCPU utility provide overlays of all OOB object modified and we can
> import them on our new Remedy 9 or we need to perform all modifications
> manually on remedy 9?
> 4. We need to have two def files for all workflows  : one from BCPU for OOB
> Objects and other for all custom Objects
> 5. We will import both def files on new server (only on Admin server or
> Primary server) on Remedy 9 server.
> 6. Then restoration of production DB on new DB Server (is it at this stage
> we need to run DDM ?)
> 7. UAT
> Is there anything else we need to do for this migration process ?
> Please list out  missing steps if any.
> Thanks,
> Anup
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 12:05 AM, Jason Miller <jason.mil...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> **
>> I recently imported some old defs taken from ARS/Admin Tool 6.x and
>> imported into and ARS 9.0 environment with Dev Studio 9.0. I agree with
>> Misi you might have some minor fixes to make but largely things should work
>> well.
>> A few things to note though... During one version of the installers it
>> removed the 3rd type of web view from forms (I can't remember what it was
>> called, it was the odd HTMLly one). I seem to remember only this version of
>> the installer doing this so if you have these types of web view and go
>> straight from 7.1 to 8.1/9.0 I don't think these views will be removed as
>> they should. Oh, I think they were called Web  Relative views.
>> Also there is no longer macro support and I think maybe another feature or
>> two. Similarly with the web views, I think there were only 1 or 2 versions
>> of the installers that would offer to convert your macros into workflow
>> (but this may have been done by 7.1 already?.?.)
>> One issue we have is our older LDAP Vendor Forms do not work with the new
>> Java ARDBC plugin. When we went to 8.1 from 7.6.04 we had to disable the
>> Java plugin and use the C plugin. In time we'll create the form from
>> scratch using the Java plugin and switch back the Java default plugin.
>> I have imported an even older xml def then mentioned above into 9.0 using
>> Admin Tool 7.1 to try correct some errors during import. Turns out the
>> issue was with the XML not the tool being used. Although I highly
>> discourage using Admin Tool against a 9.0 server (7.5, 7.6.x, 8.x for that
>> matter). This was my personal sandbox where I was looking through my
>> archives for some old code. I took a VM snapshot prior so I didn't care if
>> it blew up by the Admin Tool.
>> Regarding User Tool...  Many of us are still using the User Tool against
>> 8.x and 9.x systems for administrative operations. You just can't beat the
>> speed and convenience for doing our daily work. I may or may not have even
>> worked on 9.0 beta systems in BMC's office that already had the User Tool
>> install when I got there ;-)
>> I do recommend having non-admin users use Mid Tier though. It is fast and
>> the web-only UI features can't be beat.
>> Personally not knowing much about your environment (size, amount of
>> acceptable risk, etc.), I would do just want you stated in question 1. I
>> would go with 9.0. My experience is that custom Remedy systems often are a
>> bit lighter-weight than ITSM systems and many of the bugs in new release
>> won't be noticed (not guaranteed but just my general experience). Typically
>> it is very easy to install a new version of AR, import Defs (not core AR
>> forms though), fix a few things and copy data. If this were an ITSM system
>> it is a much more intensive process.
>> I am pretty confident in 9.0. There were production hours on the new Java
>> code base even before 9.0 was released so it isn't completely brand new. If
>> I was building a new custom Remedy system I would use 9.0. If my team
>> wasn't working on a some large projects right now I would likely be pushing
>> to get on 9.0.
>> HTH,
>> Jason
>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 5:09 AM, Misi Mladoniczky <m...@rrr.se> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You should be able to import def files with no major issues. I have
>>> tested def
>>> import on 9 beta to some extent only. If you have issues, they can
>>> typically
>>> be fixed.
>>> You will need to do some manual stuff if you have changed any of the out
>>> of
>>> the box forms such as the User form. You should not just import the old
>>> forms
>>> on top of the new ones. Instead you should implement your changes anew,
>>> preferably using the Overlay functionality.
>>> The old client should also work fine. I have tested to access 9 beta with
>>> 7.6.04 User tool.
>>> Version 9 is quite new, and a complete Java rebuild of the system, and is
>>> bound to have some issues. Or so I presume. If you want a stable system
>>> now, I
>>> would go for 8.1.02 with the latest patch. I have not installed it
>>> myself, but
>>> that would be my strategy.
>>>         Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se (ARSList MVP 2011)
>>> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13):
>>> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
>>> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
>>> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.
>>> > We are planning to install Remedy 9 on our new servers and then move
>>> the data
>>> > from our earlier Remedy 7.1 ver.
>>> >
>>> > I have 3 queries here :
>>> >
>>> > 1. If we install remedy ver 9 on new server, and then with the help of
>>> def
>>> > files we can move all customizations to remedy 9 (we just have AR
>>> system and
>>> > for Remedy 9 also we need only AR system). Is it fine or there might be
>>> any
>>> > issues with it ?
>>> >
>>> > 2. Can we install User tool of 7.6.04 ver (or earlier ver may be) on
>>> the same
>>> > server where we will be installing Remedy 9.
>>> > I know BMC does not support BMC user tool from 8.1 onwards but we did
>>> install
>>> > user tool of 7.6.04 on machine where we installed Remed y8.1 and it
>>> worked
>>> > fine at that time.
>>> >
>>> > 3. Which ver (9 or 8.1.02 or 8.1) is better for our case where we just
>>> need AR
>>> > system only.
>>> > We will be doing fresh installation of new Remedy ver and then will
>>> move data
>>> > from 7.1 to this new machine.
>>> > Only must requirement is to have user tool
>>> >
>>> > Please update  if anyone has any idea about it.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Anup
>>> >
>>> >
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