> I see 144 bugs that were fixed once.
> I see 154 bugs that were fixed twice.
> I see 4 bugs that were fixed three times.
> I see 7 bugs that were fixed four times.
> And I see 305 total unique bug ID's. (That were fixed)
>   I wonder how many remain outstanding?
>   I wonder how many customers reported each of those 305 bugs?
>   I wonder how many customers it took to find those 305 bugs? (vs
> internally found)

The reason for this is you need to realize that not all customers
install all ITSM modules.  What this means is that BMC must include
common foundation/integration fixes in every patch set for all the
modules because say a customer only installs Problem Management, they
still need all the fixes to core foundation objects and integration
points.  Individual modules get bugs reported against them
individually and this can cause duplicate bugs to be listed under
different defects which end up with different descriptions when in the
end a single code update might close the same bug across all modules.
This may be confusing to those who run all ITSM modules but in
reality, there is no other way without splitting out the patch sets
into more logical sections... say a section for the module specific
code updates, section for integrations specific code updates and a
final section for core foundation object updates.

I agree that a list of object updates per patch would definitely be
welcomed... It's not like the ITSM workflow is hidden in anyway so
what is the point of not including this information as part of the
defect fix.  If remedy objects were 'closed source' I could
understand...  They are slowly rectifying this situation though, the
patch notes are starting to get better and things at BMC are starting
to stir in the right direction of disclosure and open source
initiatives (I am very excited that BMC has chosen Eclipse as the
framework to release the new Developer Studio for ARS going forward,
this flexibility is definitely the shot in the arm BMC needed to get
developers excited again IMO).

Happy patching ;)

Curtis Gallant
Senior ITSM Consultant

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