Reporting through ITSM 7 mechanism...yes join forms
can be used. 

Through ARS's native mechanism, no, because the only
reports that show up when users initiate reporting
from a form (by clicking "Report" button on the
Browser) is the ones tied to that form (on "Report"
form). So I can't make a report based on AJoinB be
available when users want to report off form A.

ITSM 7's reports are run through the ITSM 7 "Report
Console" which has extensive code to set the right
form name before calling the Active Link that opens
the report.

That's why my dilemma...that without writing code or
adding a button, I can't have users initiate report on
form A, and then run a report based on AJoinB. I will
see if I can use a report based on form A, and have
fields from B be pulled in a sub-report.

--- Joe DeSouza <> wrote:

> Aren't a lot of the out of the box reports on the
> ITSM apps based out of join forms? Why would it be a
> limiting factor?
> Joe
> ________________________________
> From: Rabi Tripathi <>
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:39:17 PM
> Subject: On Browser: How to Make a Report Based on a
> Join Form Availbale on "Report Selection" box
> Hi folks,
> When my users want to generate a report on form A, I
> need to allow them to select a report based on a
> join of form A and form B. Can't seem to be able to
> do it on a browser client, as only reports based on
> form A show up for selection.
> When they are looking at a results list on A, they
> click on "Report" button to get to the "Report
> Selection" window (standard ARS form for reporting
> on browser clients).
> On this window, the reports that show up for
> selection on the table are filtered by the table
> using this qualification (source is Report form):
> (( $FmName$ =  " " ) OR ( $FmName$ = 'Form Name'))
> AND (($USER$ = 'Submitter') OR ( 'Status' =
> "Active"))
> So, when the "Report Selection" window opens, I am
> guessing the form name "A" is brought to the window
> on $FmName$, so that only reports based on A are
> listed.
> How can I have a report based on AJoinB be listed
> there?
> I think I could change my report design (Crystal) to
> use report/subreport instead of a join form, but I
> already have a report nicely built using AJoinB. 
> The relationship between A and B is one to one. With
> a subreport, all the fields from the subreport will
> be limited to one area, and I can't mix its fields
> with those of the main report, as I can if I am
> using a join with 1:1 relationship.
> Can't win either way. Any ideas? Any way to embed
> the join form name in the report and have that form
> be used as the source, even though the user got to
> the "Report Selection" window from A?
> I can write custom code on a button to run this
> report my way and bypass "Report Selection" window,
> but I am trying hard to avoid having to write/change
> code, and instead just add a report on "Report"
> form.
> TIA.
> ARS 7.1, Crystal 11.
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