For the most part -- people should be able to copy/paste this to their manager :)

Dear Manager,

I was doing some off hours web research for some of our ARS issues and I have found that an event called the WWRUG exists.

This event is uniquely designed for companies using ARS -- in fact -- it is the only tradeshow event in the world which is specifically for ARS.

This year is an especially important year to attend - as it is not being sponsored by BMC. What I have found out that means is that there will be (for the first time ever) availability of software and systems that run on Remedy but BMC does not support and sell. (This is a big deal -- as it gives us additional choices for a few of those initiatives slated for 2010)

It would be wise for us as a company to take advantage of this "one time event" for the exposure to the additional software tools that would help us leverage our existing Remedy system.

However - other benefits are:
Open training for ITSM 7.5
BOF (birds of a feather) -- we can finally nail down some of those LDAP issues we have been seeing Best practices on how to modify/extend the canned applications (Incident, Change, etc...) -- what is really nice about attending this -- is that with the info learned -- we should be able to shave a week or more off of our future upgrades. **** -- that would be nice for Jane on the Service Desk -- she is always complaining that we take forever on our upgrades. And -- I see on the WWRUG sponsors page -- the Kinetic Data corporation will be there -- they supposedly have the hottest apps for BMC Remedy -- specifically designed for self-service and getting Remedy out to the rest of the company (remind you about one of this years initiatives??? :) -- and is easy to maintain etc... -- These Kinetic people keep calling me -- we really need to see their stuff.

Anyways -- as a company -- we would get that insite on our LDAP issues, be able to shave time off of upgrades, maximize our existing licenses with tools for monitoring -- and finally be able to move forward with the Kinetic software.

So -- we should send somebody (or two) to this event in Las Vegas -- which is Nov 9-13.

I volunteer me -- as I have already told my significant other and cleared my personal schedule (to benefit the company) :)

My question back to you.

What are we going to do next -- now that we will get our LDAP and licensing stuff understood and solved -- I again vote for the Kinetic Request system -- it just absolutely rocks!!!

Your favorite architect,

<Your name here>

On Aug 25, 2009, at 2:40 AM, Joel Sender wrote:

Hi everyone,
I need your help.

I’ve been asked to create an email message that will help people explain to their management why they should attend WWRUG09. We need to address the decision-makers who approve attendance. The one thing we’ve heard the most is that budgets are ‘tight’. We knew that from the start; which is why we included DAILY tutorials covering the latest versions of BMC products. I thought the Developer Studio session alone would pack the house. Same for the ITSM 7.5 sessions. Which explains why I need your help.

What reasons will get a manager’s approval to attend WWRUG09?
Here’s what I’ve got, so far:

It’s an EDUCATIONAL conference with tutorials every day.
Helps prepare for upgrades of ITSM, Atrium, and AR System
One-of-a-kind Case Studies from peers
Discover and compare products quickly at the Technology Vendor Fair
Technology sessions every day
The largest gathering of Custom AR System application developers anywhere

And one reason NOT to tell your boss (or at least mumble): The Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas!

So that’s my question for the ARSlist: what else would get management’s approval to attend WWRUG09?


p.s. Check out Doug Mueller’s comments at

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