Here’s one for you.  I was poking around in the Delta Data Migration 
directories this morning, and found the sql scripts for counting records in 
forms for each of the applications.  Some of them have more errors than correct 
lines, but that can be fixed; maybe the form names are instantiated differently 
on other SQL systems (maybe they were created against oracle?), but they were 
dead wrong for SQL Server 2008 (many form names too long and therefore 
unrecognized).  Also, a lot of the form names were invalid because they were 
missing underscores – I’m not sure how anyone could have compiled these scripts 
without ever testing them.  If this is what the DDM uses to run queries, there 
is no chance of it ever working correctly.

Anyway, I tried to run a select statement in SQL for a custom integer field on 
my HPD:Help Desk form to see if it has negative number entries that need to be 
reset to “0” (see DDM doc pg 19), and found that I could not select that field 
because it exists only in the overlay.  In fact, you cannot select ANY of your 
custom fields from HPD_Help_Desk, and there is no HPD_Help_Desk__o in the form 
list, so I wonder where you can go in SQL to query the overlays.  HPD:Help 
Desk__o exists in arschema table with its own schemaId, but it has no T or H 
tables etc., the custom field columns are part of the T table for HPD:Help Desk 

Select Outage_Duration from HPD_Help_Desk WHERE Outage_Duration < 0
…is not a valid command – Outage_Duration is not recognized by SQL Server as a 
valid column in the HPD_Help_Desk table

If I try querying the T table directly, that works:
Select [C940000006] from dbo.T993 WHERE [C940000006] < 0

So are custom fields in form overlays undefined in the SQL Server namespace??

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center

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