This appears to be a Migrator problem (surprise, surprise).  I _think_ (having 
received no information from BMC) that migrator 7.6.04 is unable to migrate 
view overlays with the form overlay, creating a new form overlay on the target 
server to which nothing else can be migrated because it is incomplete.  The 
audit log error is something else entirely that I still do not understand – 
probably something where the app designers and the overlay feature designers 
missed something completely.

I deleted the bad overlay left by migrator and manually created a new 
CTM:People 7.6.04 form overlay, then the two view overlays for Default User 
View and Dialog View (to match those created by BPCU on the staging server).  
That brought in the Audit Log Form definition from the base form that caused 
the error last Friday (I think - AR System Error 8859  Invalid operation on 
overlay or overlaid object Illegal audit options on CTM:People).  Then, and 
ONLY then, did it let me migrate the custom and customized fields, by field.  I 
still had to create the index manually, and there is a parameter for Unique 
Form Alias (“People”) on the Staging server that I cannot see where to set it 
on the pre-production server.

So even after you manage to get BPCU to run and clean up its mess, you still 
have to re-create most of your customizations manually on the future production 
server.  And no, putting the staging server into production after the upgrade 
is not really an option, since every application failed to install all of the 
objects or data it was supposed to, filling the upgrade logs with errors that 
support is still puzzling over.  Atrium is even worse (see below).

OBTW – tidbits for anyone foolish enough to be working with 7.6.04:

1. Migrator 7.6.04 consistently times out on login UNLESS you open the Accounts 
dialog and click on OK.  Every install I have (Windows Server 2003, Vista, or 
7), no matter how many/which servers you have active in the list.

2. Despite everything in the documentation, you cannot upgrade the CMDB from or earlier (I’m on Patch 002) to 7.6.04; the recon engine fails to 
upgrade properly.  Support now says that it is a documentation error, that only is supported, meaning that my upgrade of Atrium from two weeks ago 
is in an unrecoverable error state.  The documentation DOES say that AIE is supported to 7.6.04, but my staging server is proof that it is 
not true, either.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of strauss
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 3:26 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Migrating ITSM 7.6.04 Form Overlays

For the entertainment of those beating themselves senseless against the BPCU 
upgrade process and overlays in 7.6.04…
Updating my issue with BMC…

Today I looked at the difference between the overlay and overlaid CTM:People 
form that Migrator created on Friday on my pre-production server.  The primary 
difference was that the source overlay has Audit Enabled = Yes but no form name 
listed.  The base form has Form Name = CTM:AuditLogSystem.

I tried to fix this by deleting the overlay and re-creating it on the 
pre-production server.  Now it has the Form Name = CTM:AuditLogSystem value set.

Then I tried to migrate JUST the custom or customized fields from the staging 
server overlay to the pre-production server overlay.  That failed on three out 
of four tries.  The only success was migrating a different field size for 
Desktop Location - from 30 to 65.  Two custom fields failed with this error:

16 Source Server Version: 7.6.04 002
17 Destination Server Version: 7.6.04 002
18 Backup Type: Migrator Files
19 Backup Forms: Yes
20 Backup Active Links: Yes
21 Backup Filters: Yes
22 Backup Escalations: Yes
23 Backup Active Link Guides: Yes
24 Backup Filter Guides: Yes
25 Backup Applications: Yes
26 Backup Packing Lists: Yes
27 Backup Web Services: Yes
28 Backup Menus: Yes
29 Backup Distributed Maps: Yes
30 Backup Distributed Pools: Yes
31 Backup Flashboards: Yes
32 Backup Flashboard DataSources: Yes
33 Backup Flashboard Alarms: Yes
34 Backup Plugin Modules: Yes
35 Backup Plugin Definitions: Yes
43 Migration results for Fields
44 Status Source Form Source ID Destination Form Destination ID Start Time End 
Time Status Migration Count
45 Error CTM:People__o 600000242  CTM:People__o 600000242  4/25/2011 2:27:56 PM 
4/25/2011 2:27:56 PM  Error 1
47 Errors results for Fields
48 Source Name Type Number Message
49 600000242  Migration Error 3700  Unable to create field : 600000242
50 600000242  AR System Error 8868  Field overlay and the associated view 
overlay must be in the same overlay group. 399990088

Another customized field - 112 - was added to the Default User View.  It did 
not migrate, and no error or success appears in the Completed migration report.

What am I hitting??????  What point is it to create overlays if you cannot 
migrate objects between them????  The view 399990088 is the Default User View.


As you can see, there is nothing straightforward about migrating overlays, or 
objects within overlays, between servers.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of strauss
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:51 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Migrating ITSM 7.6.04 Form Overlays

I have passed this on to support, but since it is on a ticket from the end of 
February that has obtained only one helpful document, and virtually no 
assistance with the entire BPCU process, I hold out little hope for an answer.  
Something to remember when BMC wants us to renew our support contract this 

I am working on Step 14 of the BPCU process now, comparing overlays to upgraded 
objects and adjusting as necessary.  As I get objects and data ready, I want to 
migrate them to the pre-production server which has a clean install of all of 
the 7.6.04 suite applications.

I completed rebuilding two view overlays on the CTM:People form (which was 
overlaid by BPCU) to deal with 4 custom fields and 4 customized fields.  When I 
attempted to migrate the form CTM:People__o from the Staging server to the 
pre-production server (where NO overlays exist yet) I got the following error 
in Migrator.  On the pre-production server, the form overlay was created (in 
spite of the entry in line 56 below), but none of the customizations were 
transferred from the staging server.  What am I doing wrong, here?

44 Migration Statistics


46 Migrated: 1

47 Failed: 0

48 Queued: 0


50 Migration results for Regular Forms

51 Status Source Name Destination Name Start Time End Time Status Migration 

52 Error CTM:People__o CTM:People__o  4/22/2011 2:48:13 PM 4/22/2011 2:49:07 PM 
 Error 1


54 Errors results for Regular Forms

55 Source Name Type Number Message

56 CTM:People__o  Migration Error 3800  Unable to create form : CTM:People__o

57 CTM:People__o  AR System Error 8859  Invalid operation on overlay or 
overlaid object Illegal audit options on CTM:People

58 CTM:People__o  AR System Error 102  Required name parameter (or name field 
in a parameter) is empty.

This was what I got for staying late on Friday after everyone else had left 
early (Good Friday) to try to finish some work, but I wanted to know if this 
was going to be a problem; it is.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.

Call Tracking Administration Manager

University of North Texas Computing & IT Center

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