I was just joking anyways – it kind of looked amusing to see a written Spanish 
conversation on a mostly English speaking list..

From: Jose Huerta 
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:02 AM
Newsgroups: public.remedy.arsystem.general
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: To be or not to be a BMC partner

** Sorry, I though that it was a direct mail. Later I noticed that I sent it to 
the entire list. 

      Jose M. Huerta
      Project Manager

      Movil: 661 665 088

      Telf.: 971 75 03 24

      Fax: 971 75 07 94
      SM2 Baleares S.A.
      C/Rita Levi 

      Edificio SM2 Parc Bit

      07121 Palma de Mallorca

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P Por favor, no imprima este mensaje ni sus documentos adjuntos si no es 

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Joe Martin D'Souza <jdso...@shyle.net> wrote:


  No speak Spanish :-)

  Just kidding....


  From: Jose Huerta 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:50 AM
  Newsgroups: public.remedy.arsystem.general
  To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
  Subject: Re: To be or not to be a BMC partner

  ** Hola Álvaro, 

  Jose Huerta soy yo. ¿Qué es lo que necesitas?


  Jose Huerta

  On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 10:00 AM, ALVARO VALDES LOZANO <aval...@caser.es> 

    ¿Sabes quién son estos de José Huerta?

      AVENIDA BURGOS, 109 - MADRID - 28050
                          Tel: 912146934

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    De: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] En nombre de Support
    Enviado el: miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012 9:55
    Para: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
    Asunto: Re: To be or not to be a BMC partner


    I don't think John is kidding ....  They also asked us for money (not that 
much, though ...) ....

    On 19/06/2012 23:52, Jose Huerta wrote: 

    ** You're kidding me! 

    On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:28 PM, John Sundberg 
<john.sundb...@kineticdata.com> wrote:

    ** Hmmm  

    They asked us for $35,000.


    On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Sanford, Claire 
<claire.sanf...@memorialhermann.org> wrote:


    Back in the “dark days”…  the bigblackuglybird days… they just wanted your 
money to become a partner…  One person told me they just had to pay “P” $10K 
and they were a partner.

    From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Tauf Chowdhury
    Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:49 PM

    To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
    Subject: Re: To be or not to be a BMC partner


    I'm no expert but I'm sure it comes down to dollars. They want to know how 
much you make and how much you can make for them. That, coupled with how many 
certified people you have and probably other financially driven factors will 
probably determine if you're a candidate. 

    I suppose at the end of the day, it's business so remember that an don't 
take it personal. I'm sure they all appreciate your love for the product. 

    Just my 2 cents. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Jun 19, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Jose Huerta <jose.hue...@sm2baleares.es> wrote:

      ** Hi listers,

      How difficult is to become a BMC partner? 

      Well, Two months ago I expected that BMC will be glad to increase their 
partnership list. Of course they need to guarantee a quality level on their 
partners. I assume it. But I expected that they will provide you a road-map to 
demonstrate your own value as a potential partner.

      Seems that I was completely wrong. I'm trying to contact the Senior 
Channel Manager at Spain, asking her about how to become a partner from a month 
ago until now. Do you guess the answer to my demand? NO ANSWER. Seems that they 
have the partners list full and don't want new ones. This is frustrating. I'm 
selling their product. I'm convincing their clients to continue on the Remedy 
way. I'm an active member of the Remedy's community. I conforming a team of 
developers. And, What I obtain? Nothing. 

      Sincerely I think that my Remedy team is outstanding. We are creating 
what other partners previously said to the client that was impossible. In fact 
one big client decided to move out from Remedy after believing that the product 
was a completely failure, and this was only because the deployment made by 
other partner. We rescued this client, re-deploying it, customizing it to their 
needs and obtaining a good feedback. So... I'm not asking about What needs to 
be done to become a partner, but, what needs to be done to obtain a telephone 
call from the channel manager or anyone that can talk about partnership?

      Sometimes I think that this link is a kind of "Western Wall", where we 
can write our wishes and prays...


      Jose Huerta


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    John Sundberg

    Kinetic Data, Inc. 

    "Your Business. Your Process."

    WWRUG10 Best Customer Service/Support Award

    WWRUG09 Innovator of the Year Award

    651-556-0930 I john.sundb...@kineticdata.com  

    www.kineticdata.com I community.kineticdata.com

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