On Friday, 8 April 2016 11:53:25 AM HKT Grzegorz Kasprowicz wrote:
> Btw,
> ZU11 FPGA costs more or less the same as 7K325 and offers almost twice more
> logic resources. The price of ZU11 is $1,376.00 at 100pcs.
> Since we will buy such quantity for our CBM project (Fair facility in GSI),
> we can use that step pricing in this case as well.

Even on Digikey in single quantities, 7K325T starts at $898.75 (and the 
cheapest one in FF which seems to be recommended for the full transceiver 
bandwidth is $1122.50) and we don't have to deal with any of this disgusting 
Zynq stuff.


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