C'mon Joe  You should know by now.  You are wrong and she is right!
"I apologize if my attempts at prodding you to raise the bar on your own program"
Maybe more important would be reporting facts rather than opinion.

Joe D'Andrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 8:36 PM -0500 2/4/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Due to the unprecedented whining and gnashing of teeth directed at Asbury Radio's numerous staff over the perceived-to-be-rotten transmission quality of recent archived shows,

I have to question your objectivity here Maureen. If you think that the complaints (some from me) about the sound quality of the archived shows being "rotten" (your words) are merely perceived then you need to get your hearing checked. I've listened to the new archive of the Feb 2 program and the difference between it and the previously posted one is like the difference between night and day. There is no perception that the quality was rotten. It was rotten. On the previous version, the voices were virtually unintelligible and, for the most part, Councilman Johnson was not even audible at all. In the new version, everything is as crisp and as clear as it can be for this type of audio streaming.

(I have both files if anyone wants to hear the difference)

I thank you for doing whatever it is you did to make the quality better. But at the same time, you need to just own up to the fact that the archived audio sucked and not blame your listeners for their "perceptions."  And I apologize if my attempts at prodding you to raise the bar on your own program were thought to be "unprecedented whining and gnashing of teeth" ... that won't happen again.


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