Hi Allen,


Thanks for your input.  Firstly, I would like to point out that we are not suing the Market Street Mission.  We are appealing the variances that the zoning board issued to the Mission


The zoning board initially denied the variances that the shelter sought from the city.  The Mission then appealed this at the Monmouth County Court.  The Judge ruled that the zoning board had not considered the “inherently beneficial use test” in denying the variances to the Mission.  The ruling was sent back to the zoning board.  At this point the zoning board felt out-gunned and approved the variances without applying the inherently beneficial use test.


Stand Up For Asbury is not against homeless shelters or soup kitchens per se.  Our contention is that the city already has more than its share.  The shelter will bring in homeless men from around the State, not just men from Asbury.  The homeless at the shelter will have had no criminal background checks and will include released convicts, pedophiles, drug and alcohol abusers and the mentally ill.  These men will be on the Streets of Asbury Park starting at 7 a.m. every morning until the shelter lets them back in at night.


I have never heard of a city issuing temporary variances in this type of situation.  The shelter has already purchased the property for an enormous sum of money.  Once it is allowed to operate, it will be there indefinitely – for better or for worse.  The Market Street Mission has operated in Morristown for over 90 years.


Again, Stand Up For Asbury! respects opposing points of view and I appreciate that you have heard us out.


Best personal regards,


Paul Vail

511 Second Ave



From: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com [mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Allen McDaniel
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 2:01 PM
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Stand Up For Asbury!


If you send me emails in support of your point of
view, I may as well tell you I dont necessarily think
the shelter is a bad idea, but I would support a
measure giving it a 'wait-and-see' approach or a
temporary OK, say, for 6 mos. or so, in order to
determine if they will be a good neighbor or if they
will be 'good' or 'bad' for Asbury in general, and a
way in which their lease or whatever can be reviewed
after a certain length of time, and rescinded if the
PEOPLE of Asbury (and not JUST storeowners) think
their presence is doing the town that great a
disservice. That way they will have at least a chance
to prove their worth if they can do so. I think a
legal battle BEFORE THE FACT is not the right way to
go, so I would naturally not support one, and would
voice my opinion to others against such action.
Everything is LITIGATE in this country, how about

--- paulvail1964 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:

> Last night Councilman Ed Johnson announced that the
> council will
> instruct the city attorneys to draw up an amicus
> brief in support of
> our appeal against the Market Street Mission. I
> also want to point
> out that councilman John Loffredo has supported our
> efforts from the
> beginning and was instrumental in getting a council
> majority. These
> two men clearly stand up for Asbury.
> The consensus of the council was not unanimous.
> Councilman Keady made
> it clear last night that he supports the Market
> Street Mission's
> homeless shelter and soup kitchen on Asbury Avenue.
> We continue raising funds for our appeal. Please
> contact us at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]ry.org if you would like to
> contribute.
> Paul Vail
> 511 Second

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