At what point did you think saying the following was needed;

" If you're SO unhappy here, and don't want to help with the Root Problems, 
then why not 
SELL your house, grab the Profit, and BUY in an all white city? In Urban 
Cities, you MUST 
deal with a much larger mix of People, Situations and Problems!"

At no point did i say that I was SO unhappy here. I love Asbury and i'm here to 

The whole point of my response to you was that you keep condemming racism, but 
once in awhile you throw in the race card yourself.

You mentioned a "War on Blacks"

Please explain that to me. Do you have concrete proof about that?

Personally, i'd love to see AP do as much as it possibly can to enhance the 
between the black and white communities of AP. I've seen that work in other 
places, why 
can't we do that here? And yeah, i'm a newcomer and i'm uninformed about 
that makes AP tick. That's why i'm here. I'm trying to learn.


--- In, "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jack,
> I agree with about 97% of what you say!  Where I live, I just had to
> E-Mail my one Landlord, because the People HERE were throwing Garbage
> all over!
>   But a Homeless Shelter, particularly one that is a "Mission", which
> rehabilitates people, and goes beyond just being a flop house, is NOT
> the type of thing you should oppose! If you do, then 30 More People will
> just be ON the Streets hassling you, instead of getting help!
>   As far as my comments, I was responding to the person who mentioned
> that the Syrian Jews were buying up Houses in their neighborhood. I
> didn't say anything BAD about them, just what's TRUE!  Besides, real
> Racism is exhibited in Actions against People, or at least that's what
> hurts them, like what you guys are doing with SUFA!
>   I agree that people shouldn't litter, sell drugs or promote
> prostitution. But it's also a necessity that they not be discriminated
> against in the Job Market, so they can GET decent Jobs. I was talking to
> a guy who was from Korea, not a Black or Hispanic person. But he had
> dark skin.  I saw him several times and he's very educated, too! But
> just because of his dark skin, he had told me that he'd been all over on
> more than 50 Interviews, and no one would hire him! I KNOW it happens,
> because I have personal friends who've been through it!
>   I was discriminated against because of being over 40, in the Computer
> Industry. There was a show about the existence of that on Dateline on
> NBC.
>   Back to the Shelter & Asbury.  Don't worry about it, because the
> Shelter is opening in September, whether SUFA likes it or not. Just
> don't be Stupid and Brainwashed by those lying to you and saying that
> the Shelter will BRING more Homeless IN!  What does THAT, is the Local
> PEOPLE in other towns who tell their Police to drop off their Homeless
> at the Train Station in Asbury Park. Neptune even does that to us! The
> shelter's NOT going to Increase, but actually eventually DECREASE the
> Homeless.
>   I suggest that you call Dave Scott who's the Director, and after you
> speak with him, or meet with him, you'll know that you've been lied to
> and taken advantage of by Racists using you for their cause!  deals were
> made with the developer to get rid of Afro-Americans, and that's why
> rent Control can't get through!  You're strings are getting pulled, too,
> and you don't know it!
>   I'm on your side most of the way. I was everything nice too, but not at
> the price of hurting others to get things for ME!  That's the difference
> between me and those leaders you're getting sucked in to following!
>   IF the City passed Rent Control, got serious about Affordable Housing
> and worked on Jobs and training Programs, in a few years there'd be
> almost NO problems here. You don't believe me, but the way things are
> getting done, they're making it worse!
>   Tell me, if you had a Sister who was doing Drugs, would you help her to
> get into a Rehab and get better, or just condemn her to Homelessness
> with NO way out? Yes, she'd be wrong for her drug habit, but she'd also
> deserve help!
>   There's JUST as much drugs in white cities, it's just that it's done
> behind closed doors, and Mommy & Daddy ship them to an out of State
> Rehab where no one even knows what happened!  Thre was a major Cocaine
> Crisis in Clifton in the late 1980's, and most of the people, almost all
> of them, were white!  But you couldn't see it that much in the streets.
> It was BAD!
>   If you're SO unhappy here, and don't want to help with the Root
> Problems, then why not SELL your house, grab the Profit, and BUY in an
> all white city? In Urban Cities, you MUST deal with a much larger mix of
> People, Situations and Problems!
>   Bottom line is that when the NYers and Developers came in with Guns
> Blasting and declared War on the Blacks, they made a BIG Mistake! Go and
> speak with the People who run the Jewish Family Center on Sewall Ave. 
> They have a "First Step" Meting every other month there when all of the
> Care Providers meet and discuss the problems. You're just 100% out of
> the loop on what's happening, and most of these People don't even
> understand what problems Minorities Face, or know ANYTHING about them!
>   Less than 2% of all the People here cause ALL of the Problems which
> your Group blames whole races for!
>   Go to the Shelter when it DOES open, and ask for a tour and explanation
> of how they help people. You'll learn what you obviously don't know now!
> You don't throw People out with the Dirty Water!
> Steve
> --- In, "Hinge" <hinge98@> wrote:
> >
> > Steve,
> > I don't get it.
> > You claim other groups are racist, but you make comments like the
> following;
> >
> > "Yes, Syrian Jews & Hasidics are both "One the Move" to take over the
> entire area. What I've
> > heard about that Ocean Area is that due to the fact that there's a
> transportation route to
> > New York through there, they're buying up everything around the bus
> routes to "Make it
> > Safe" to walk through right to the Bus/ Train with suitcases filled
> with Cash or Diamonds!"
> >
> > Is that not a racist statement? Especially the part about "Cash or
> Diamonds"
> >
> > What do you mean by that?
> >
> > If you don't think your statement was racist, then explain to us how
> it is not.
> >
> > I think you have some good things to say, but you undermine your
> credibility with
> > statements like that.
> >
> > So what if people want to "Make it Safe" and build a community.
> >
> > So far, Asbury itself has done a pretty shitty job in maintaining and
> growing this once
> > beautiful city. Don't get me wrong, i'm appalled by the destruction of
> so many beautiful
> > and historic buildings here, but on the other hand Asbury needs new
> blood, and new
> > thinking.
> >
> > I've stated before that i'm a newcomer to this town, and that I see
> things on a daily basis
> > that disturb me. Do you want to see what i'm talking about? Take a
> drive right now to
> > Library Square Park. It's a beautiful park. Walk to the center of it,
> near the fountain. You'll
> > find lots of garbage and discarded drug paraphenalia. Look around
>'ll see some
> > people passed out on the grass. You'll see a tree with somebodies
> discarded clothing, and
> > other gross things laying around. Take a walk on 1st ave. and notice
> how many discarded
> > beer bottles are on peoples lawns, and how much crap in general is
> just discarded and left
> > for other people to deal with.
> >
> > Being poor or homeless isn't a crime, but it's also not an excuse.
> > I agree that more needs to be done to help people get ahead in life,
> but people also need
> > to be accountable for their own lives too.
> >
> > When i hear you being passionate about the gap between rich and poor
> and things like
> > that, I agree with you. But, I also agree with the people who've taken
> a chance on Asbury,
> > invested in a home or business here, and want to live in a safe and
> clean place. I, for one,
> > am sick of cleaning up other peoples garbage from my lawn. And i'm not
> too happy seeing
> > drug deals take place right in front of me, and not too happy about my
> block being used
> > as prostitution central.
> >
> > So, if a group like Stand up comes along to try and prevent more of
> the same from
> > happening in what? What's wrong with that. I donated to them,
> but not before
> > doing some research and forming my own opinion. I want my home to be
> safe and clean,
> > and I want to be proud in my home so that when people come to visit
> they don't leave with
> > a bad impression of the city I live in.
> >
> > The Jersey shore is filled with have beautiful
> affluent communities on
> > all sides of Asbury, with virtually none of the problems we have. I
> lived in Allenhurst for 10
> > years without ever needing to clean up somebody else's garbage, or
> chase prostitutes
> > away from my front yard.
> >
> > Asbury's current problems began long ago, and they aren't going away
> anytime soon. But,
> > in order for change to happen, radically new ways of thinking need to
> be applied to our
> > city, and past mistakes can't continue to be repeated.
> >
> > I support Stand up for that very reason. I don't want Asbury to become
> a haven for
> > homelessness. I don't want to see homeless people hurt either. I don't
> know what the
> > answer is, but I want to protect my investment.
> >
> > Sincerely, Jack
> >

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