I'm not going to comment on this because I don't want to be seen
as being hard on the Councilman. I'm just going to post these facts
and ask all of you to comment on it.

Particularly you, Kevin Brown.

This from the Coaster, 06/28/06:

New Jersey should enact a moratorium on eminent domain, Asbury Park City
Councilman James Keady said at a rally held at city hall on Friday.

Keady said in Asbury Park the city council must have the courage to
stand up to Larry Fishman, the chief executive officer of Asbury
Partners, the city's redeveloper, and tell him won't allow him
to take residents property from them against their will.

"Very generally, no properties should be taken against the will of
the owners," Keady said.

This from Life Net News, 6/28/06:

       Two City councilmen, Ed Johnson and Jim Keady, are outspoken
critics of the use of eminent domain and refuse to vote to take property
unless the owners request it. Both of the local representatives believe
that redevelopment can occur without eminent domain. "Redevelopment
should help the homeowners and the businesses that are in an area
that's considered blighted," said Keady. "It shouldn't run them
out of that area."

Last night, the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Proposal was introduced.
The Chairman of the Committee that wrote it is Jim Keady.   From
today's Asbury Park Press:

The city could use its power of eminent domain to acquire all properties
in the area for development.

Please tell me what you think.


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