[;)]  Again, Mima is right on the $$$!  Hopefully, things will change
even more now that some of the central office thugs are gone.  There
must be a sigh of relief from teachers, administrators and central
office secretaries knowing that the new Board is cleaning house.  But
what about Bates?  Her intimidating actions against staff members caused
a lot of taxpayers money to be squandered in the courts.  Can someone
audit her actions and come up with a figure?  How about her involvement
in keep reading facilitators home a few summers ago?  Yes, in violation
of the existing contract, five facilitators were told that they weren't
needed for the summer and would not be paid.  As a result of more
expensive court costs, these five facilitators stayed home and were
eventually PAID IN FULL!  Imagine that?  They received 20% of their
annual salaries for being told to stay home and not work!  Want more? 
When the facilitators returned to work in September of that year, they
had to clean-up the mess caused by central office errors!  Regretfully,
the reading program did not start until October.


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