Anne Frank was 13 when she started writing her diary.  Want to  question her 
Both the cited letter I provided and the legend are included in  the wiki 
entry on Max.  It was amended based on new info.  Unlike any  of your mistakes: 
(Using the legend as analogous proof of a godless school board  and judiciary 
which you ditto from the wingnut blogs.  You've inadvertently  transposed their 
misspellings which gave your sources away on more than one  occasion.)
Your responses today come before you could possibly have read any of  the 
technology, business, magazine articles, or the video support I  provided. They 
approximate primary sources far more than anything you've  posted on this 
Next time you fail to give sources for quotes in your columns, why not  head 
the column with "This article lacks citations" as Wiki does?  As far  as your 
smears, they're not permitted at Wiki where disputed info, unlike your  rants, 
is noted.  
Your responses are smarmy insults, mere assertions, and circular  reasoning, 
par for the course. 
An updated more accurate and more positive entry with  different or 
additional pictures at Wiki for AP was the purpose of the thread. 
No controversy was necessary.
Maureen's comment was  "Tommy - You're playing games again."  I  misquoted.
You're playing games, again.   "The Past is Prologue."
In a message dated 7/30/2007 4:08:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My source was a  letter to the NYT by a holocaust survivor, still 
>living who   
> was checked out.  

No, your source was someone trying to  recollect 50 years back, to 
when they were 13, awakened at 1:00 am.   T

At what point did this person recollect the announcer saying "Get up  
Maxie?"  After Max nearly took a knee against the ropes when the ref  
stepped in? After Joe knocked him down the 1st time?  The 2nd  time?  
The 3rd time?  

The legend has it that the radio  was cut after a knockdown.  Don't 
know which one.  Could have  been any of them, and the recollection 
you cite doesn't answer the  question.

That's called reliable info in Wiki world, not in the real  world.

> Sounds like an insult to me.   

It  was.

By the way, since the same Wiki article also speaks to the power  
being cut, which should the reader believe, your part of the article  
or the other part of the article?  Typical Wiki.

Also, if  I recall correctly, my column said something to the effect 
of "legend has  it" about the radio broadcast being cut. Haven't you 
pretty much proved  that I was telling the truth about that?  You've 
found numerous  sources, Wiki itself, citing the same thing.

Lastly on this, which  one of us is hijakcing the thread?  You are 
bringing up this stuff  from last year, not me.

> Maureen is right!  You're here just  to start cul de sac  arguments.

Maureen said that about me?   I must have missed it, unless it wasn't 
here that she said  it.

Don't care anyway, since I don't know what that  means.

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