Just to be sure people,? my point is not to say (as is insinuated by Jersey 
John) that Republicans do not have corruption within their ranks or only dems 
have corruption...my point is that there is corruption on both sides

I am trying to be a counterbalance to the all republicans are evil argument; 
And yes I am a republican and yes I am proud of it!? That being said, there are 
dems that I repsect, Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller come immediately to mind!

-----Original Message-----
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Jersey John,

Is that all you've got?

Democrat corruption over the last three months

Democrats are harping on the corruption of the Republican Party. Please note 
that Democrat corruption in government is widespread and far reaching. I could 
have listed many examples of Democrat corruption such as Sandy Berger stealing 
documents from the National Archives- however- I decided to look at headlines 
over the last three months. The below are headline from September - just over 3 
months of Democrat corruption. 

- An independent counsel who investigated possible tax violations by former 
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros charged that the Clinton 
administration thwarted his efforts to get to the truth.

- U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) is under criminal investigation by the 
U.S. Justice Department for possible bribery in exchange for promoting business 
deals in Africa

- Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents that Ernest Newton, a former 
state Democrat Connecticut senator worked with a reputed mobster and his 
associate to try to stop police raids on businesses and advance their business 

- Clarence Norman Jr., the longtime powerbroker of Brooklyn NY Democrats was 
found guilty of intentionally soliciting illegal campaign contributions.

- A top aide to Jim Black, the Democratic speaker of the state Legislature of 
North Carolina, resigned amid reports he had received payments from a company 
hoping for the lottery contract. The .State Board of Elections is investigating 
Black's campaign finances. The investigation comes after the group Democracy 
North Carolina said it found evidence that video-poker operators were funneling 
money through unsuspecting donors to Black's campaign. 

- West Virginia.Logan County Clerk Glen Dale "Hound Dog" Adkins admitted to 
selling his vote for $500 in the 1996 Democratic Party primary, while Perry 
French Harvey Jr. pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe voters in last year's 
Democratic contest

- Former Democat Gov. Donald Siegelman of Alabama was charged in a "widespread 
racketeering conspiracy" that includes accusations he took a bribe from former 
hospital executive Richard Scrushy for a key state appointment. 

- Frank Ballance - a former Democrat Rep. from North Carolina was sentenced to 
four years in federal prison for conspiring to divert taxpayer money to his law 
firm and family through a charitable organization he helped start. Ballance, 
was a state senator before being elected to Congress in 2002, also agreed to 
repay $61,917 and to forfeit $203,000 in a bank escrow account in the name of 
the John A. Hyman Memorial Foundation. 

- Five Democratic activists in Wisconsin accused of slashing the tires of vans 
rented by Republicans on Election Day 2004 are currently on trial

- Chuck Chvala, a Former Democrat Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader was 
sentenced to nine months in jail for felony misconduct in office and illegally 
funneling campaign contributions. Chvala had reached a plea deal with 
prosecutors earlier this year, admitting to charges that he directed a state 
employee to run a political campaign and used an independent expenditure group 
to funnel campaign contributions to a fellow Democrat. 

- Brett Pfeffer, a former legislative director to Rep. William Jefferson, 
D-La., pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official and 

- Raymond Reggie, a New Orleans political Democratic consultant and fund-raiser 
who is Senator Kennedy's brother-in-law was sentenced to a year in prison 
yesterday after pleading guilty to bank fraud charge

Get a clue hypocrite!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jersey Shore John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Jefferson? Is that all you got?

Let's try this:

January 23, 2007: Republican radio personality Scott Eller Cortelyou  
of Denver arrested on suspicion of using the Internet to lure a child  
into a sexual relationship

January 29, 2007: Republican former Jefferson County, Colorado,  
Treasurer Mark Paschall indicted on two felony charges "in connection  
with an allegation that Paschall solicited a kickback from a bonus he  
awarded one of his employees"

January 31, 2007: Republican Congressman Gary Miller is named by  
Republicans as ranking member of oversight subcommittee of House  
Financial Services Committee despite the FBI's investigation into his  
land deals

February 14, 2007: Major Republican fundraiser Brent Wilkes and  
former CIA executive director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo are indicted by a  
grandy jury for corrupting CIA contracts

February 16, 2007: Major Republican donor Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali  
Alishtari, aka Michael Mixon, is indicted in federal court on charges  
of providing material support to terrorists

March 5, 2007: Ethics complaint filed against Republican Senator Pete  
Domenici for his role in the Attorney Purge scandal

March 6, 2007: I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former chief of staff to  
Vice President Dick Cheney found guilty of obstruction of justice and  

March 8, 2007: Republican former U.S. Congressman and Speaker of the  
House Newt Gingrich admits to extramarital affair

March 23, 2007: Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles, an  
oil and gas lobbyist who became an architect of George W. Bush's  
energy policies, pleads guilty to obstructing justice by lying to a  
Senate committee

March 27, 2007: Criminal charges filed against Republican  
Pennsylvania State Senator Robert Regola in connection with the death  
of a teenage neighbor who was shot with the senator's gun; he is  
accused of three counts of perjury, allowing possession of a firearm  
by a minor, recklessly endangering another person and false swearing

March 27, 2007: Ronald Reagan's budget director, David Stockman,  
"indicted on charges of defrauding investors and banks of $1.6  
billion while chairman of Collins & Aikman Corp., an auto parts maker  
that collapsed days after he quit"

March 28, 2007: Robert Vellanoweth, a Republican activist and  
appointee of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is arrested on suspicion of  
gross vehicular manslaughter and felony driving under the influence  
of drugs or alcohol, after a crash that killed three adults and one  

April 18, 2007: The FBI raids the home of Republican Congressman John  
Doolittle, investigating his ties to Jack Abramoff

April 19, 2007: The FBI raids a business tied to the family of  
Republican Congressman Rick Renzi, as part of an investigation into  
his business dealings

April 23, 2007: The FBI questions Republican Congressman Tom Feeney  
about his dealings with Jack Abramoff

April 23, 2007: Federal auditors find repeat violations of federal  
election law from the 2004 Senate campaign of Republican Senator Mel  

April 26, 2007: David Huckabee, son of Republican Presidential  
candidate Mike Huckabee, is arrested at an Arkansas airport after a  
federal X-ray technician detected a loaded gun in his carry-on luggage

May 4, 2007: Bruce Weyhrauch and Pete Kott, former Alaska state  
Republican legislators, were arrested and accused of soliciting and  
accepting bribes from the corrupt VECO Corporation

May 4, 2007: Republican state Assemblyman Michael Cole is censured  
and stripped of his leadership position after the married father of  
two spent the night at a 21-year-old intern's apartment

May 11, 2007: A field coordinator for Republican Congressman Patrick  
McHenry is indicted for voter fraud in North Carolina

May 12, 2007: NBC News breaks the story that the FBI is investigating  
Republican Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons for suspicion of accepting  
bribes in exchange for securing government contracts

May 15, 2007: Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Chris Healy is  
arrested for drunk driving (he pled no contest on June 1, but didn't  
publicly disclose the event until June 11)

May 18, 2007: Republican former South Dakota State Representative Ted  
Klaudt is charged with eight counts of second-degree rape, two counts  
of sexual exploitation of a minor, one count of sexual contact with a  
child younger than 16, two counts of witness tampering and one count  
of stalking against two foster children in his care

May 21, 2007: Republican state Senate candidate Mark Tate is indicted  
on nine counts of perjury and two counts of election fraud by a grand  

June 11, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig is arrested for lewd  
conduct in the men's bathroom of an airport

June 19, 2007: South Carolina Republican state Treasurer and South  
Carolina Chairman of Giuliani for President Thomas Ravenel is  
indicted by a grand jury on cocaine distribution charges

July 2, 2007: President George W. Bush commutes the sentence of  
former Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby following  
Libby's conviction on obstruction of justice and perjury

July 3, 2007: A grand jury report declares that the sale of public  
land to Republican Congressman Ken Calvert and his business partners  
violated the law

July 11, 2007: Republican state Representative and Florida co- 
Chairman of McCain for President Bob Allen is arrested for soliciting  
a male undercover police officer, offering to pay $20 to perform oral  

July 16, 2007: Republican Senator David Vitter holds press conference  
acknowledging being on the D.C. Madam's list and past involvement  
with prostitutes

July 16, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski  
was involved in a sweetheart real estate deal

July 19: Republican former state legislator Coy Privette is charged  
with six counts of aiding and abetting prostitution

July 24, 2007: Michael Flory, former head of the Michigan Federation  
of Young Republicans, pleads guilty to sexual abuse

July 26, 2007: Media report that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski  
will sell back land purchased in a sweetheart deal, following close  
scrutiny of the shady transaction

July 29, 2007: Glenn Murphy Jr., recently-elected Chairman of the  
Young Republican National Federation, is accused of sexually  
assaulting a sleeping man

July 30, 2007: The FBI and IRS raid the home of Republican Senator  
Ted Stevens following investigations into Stevens' dealings with the  
corrupt VECO Corporation

August 2, 2007: Bush administration senior adviser Karl Rove  
disregards a Congressional subpoena and refuses to testify before the  
Senate Judiciary Committee

August 6, 2007: Investigation called for after House Republican  
Leader John Boehner leaked classified information regarding a secret  
court ruling over warrantless wiretapping

August 8, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig pleads guilty to  
misdemeanor disorderly conduct following his June 11 arrest

August 9, 2007: Major Republican donor Alan Fabian is charged with 23  
counts of bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, obstruction  
of justice, and perjury

August 15, 2007: Republican state House candidate Angelo Cappelli is  
arrested for perjury and grand theft

August 22, 2007: Republican political consultant Roger Stone resigns  
his role with the New York state Senate Republicans after reports  
surfaced that he made a "threatening, obscenity-laced" phone call to  
the 83-year-old father of Governor Eliot Spitzer

August 27, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Larry Craig was  
arrested and pled guilty - he had not publicly disclosed the events  
to that point

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jersey John,
> I guess Representative Jefferson was really a conservative but was  
> just pretending to be liberal.  And all those corrupts liberals in  
> the NJ legislature...are just pretending to be liberal but are  
> really conservative
> Learn something new everyday!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jersey Shore John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:52 pm
> Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God
> Conservatives only pretend to be religious but actually worship money.
> On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Greg,
>> While I would agree that "liberals have no god" is a blanket  
>> statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
>> agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  
>> conservatives
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gary Wien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
>> Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God
>> Why is it true that liberals have no God?
>> Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?
>> On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:
>>> Being a Conservative take more work than being a
>>> Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.
>>> One issue to watch in the future is National
>>> Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
>>> that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
>>> National Healthcare program.
>>> I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out
>>> center.
>>> --- justifiedright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
>>> > Conservativism
>>> > is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
>>> > paying attention.
>>> >
>>> > The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
>>> > that define
>>> > people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
>>> > political
>>> > picture.
>>> >
>>> > If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
>>> > better be able to
>>> > survey the landscape.
>>> >
>>> > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Kevin Brown"
>>> > wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com,
>>> > "justifiedright"
>>> > > <justifiedright@> wrote:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Kevin Brown"
>>> > <jerseykev@>
>>> > wrote:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > >It is
>>> > > > > really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
>>> > rising in
>>> > America!
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
>>> > you?
>>> > > >
>>> > >
>>> > > My political view is way beyond the local arena!
>>> > >
>>> > > New jersey is not the litmus...
>>> > >
>>> > > Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
>>> > >
>>> > > On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
>>> > on the WTC, the
>>> > > Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
>>> > declaring we killed
>>> > 655,000
>>> > > Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her
>>> > math?
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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