Semper Fi!

"In fact, they (Democrats) and their non-elected allies on the outside aren’t 
even able to acknowledge any progress at all in Iraq because they have so much 
riding on a disaster there." 

"They’re turning on those very troops and the generals who lead them and the 
cover is falling away. The generals who are reporting progress are not just 
wrong, but are being dismissed by supposedly responsible elected officials as 
liars or worse. Thus, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the Democratic Party’s 
senatorial attack dog, began last week suggesting that Petraeus is 
'manipulating the statistics' from Iraq to give the illusion of progress where 
there is none. Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) followed up by charging that Petraeus 
has a history of making 'statements… that have not proved to be factual.'

"I have never met Gen. Petraeus, but find it difficult to believe that a 
military leader of his experience and reputation for integrity would risk his 
career by fabricating numbers, write a false report about what’s happening in 
Iraq and then fly home to lie to Congress and the American people. Sounds hard 
to believe, I know, but that is exactly what Reid and Durbin are alleging he’s 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 8:10 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God


I'm not at all defending Craig.  I am pointing out the lack of the bleeding 
hearts and the gays coming to his defense.  That is a bit hypocritical when 
they did come out in support of McGreevey.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jersey Shore John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 7:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Liberals don't have to defend Craig. He's all yours, dude. Suck it up. 

On Sep 14, 2007, at 7:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Oh so the FBI new where to look in Jefferson's fridge so it was a plant?  Get 

That's as crazy as Bill Clinton allegedly having a illegitimate son by the name 
of Danny Williams from a black prostitute.

With regards to Craig, you really know how to twist it.  All the bleeding heart 
liberals came to the defense of McGreevey even though  he got caught...if you 
recall he got caught using his influence to get a job in the (state homeland 
defense agency) for his gay lover.  

I fought for your right to spout off but I would request you be more fair and 

Typical liberal hypocrite.

Semper Fi!
-----Original Message-----
From: 2fine4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 4:18 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > Gary, > > > 
Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.? He is a Reverend 
of some sort.? He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in plastic his 
refrigerator!? Oh but wait he was a democrat! > > > > Kind of like Bob 
Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had to resign, versus Bill 
Clinton who allegedly raped a chick (Juanota Broderick) and is given an atta 
boy by the press. > > > > Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers 
when it comes to supporting Senator Craig.? Now who is the hypocrite? I'm one! 
Not bleeding heart, just tolerant, of those different from me. You know what 
Sen, Craig's problem? He got caught cold-handed and froze! He was guilty, 
caught red-faced and being the hypocrite, he is, after thumping his bible-belt 
chest, after vetoing every pro-gay bill, is gay himself! The height of 
hypocrisy! If Bill Jefferson is guilty, so be it. Funny, the FBI knew where to 
look, for the money! What about Vitter of La., another hypocrite! "I have 
sinned"! No, you got caught with your hypocritical pants, DOWN! This guy and 
Sen. Craig, went after Bill Clinton, as did Newt "the lover" Gingrich, screwed 
his assistant, while his wife lay dying of cancer, and Henry "I have an 
illegitimate son", Hyde, ALL while they were impeaching Bill Clinton, while 
performing sexual acts with women, NOT thier wife! So, that said, is being 
Conservative better? I'll stay a swinging liberal, who'll say, Yeah, I did it!

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