"I think that the complaints about the planters may be another rush to 
judgement, similar 
to the misplaced outcry against the movie graffiti at the Casino. That graffiti 
is now gone.
How do we know that those planters aren't just placed there temporarily? Maybe 
they are 
destined for another location.
Madison Marquette is working hard to bring us a nicer boardwalk. I stand behind 
recent efforts, and I'm not going to rush to judge things.
Our boardwalk area was a hotbed of positive activity this weekend, ranging from 
concerts at CH, scenes from the movie Greta being filmed along the boardwalk, 
and the 
BMX tournament at the Casino. The BMX event brought people in from all over the 
and world."
       That's true.  I'm pretty sure the planters are in their finaly resting 
place however.  Look forward to more of them.  Remeber when the new Paramount 
courtyard was being worked on?  Everything was torn up, you couldn't tell what 
was going on, but it looked mighty crazy.  looked like whatever was going on 
wasn't going to turn out good.
       The courtyard looks great now that it's completed and established... Of 
course there are alwasy going to be those who don't like it.  To me it looks 
like it's always been there.  Can you acutaly picture the other one being there 
again?  Think of the huge crowds of people that can now pass thru.  Function!  
In the past we arleady went over how the previous entrance to the Parmount was 
NOT the original.  Does anyone have a picture of the orignal?  I'm curious to 
know what it looked like.

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