In a message dated 1/16/2008 8:14:53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

>  It was around, just not available to the public. It was called  USENET!

yea, I know. I'm 46 and was in labs at Merrill testing  cell phones
"that only our key clients" had. And I was the hit of the  party
lugging home a "laptop" the size of a briefcase and loading 32 3.5  in
disks onto a pc to load windows...and was a displaywrite,  IBM36,
Lotus123 guru. And those displaywrite docs were loaded with 2  5"
disks..I van't even count he different "languages" I either had to  try
to learn or , as a tech writer (scary), write about. 
Ah fond memories.  Got through grad school assignments using Tandy's  TRS 80  
(Trash 80) and thought that "Find and Replace" was great fun;  looked forward 
to making my advisor's corrections.
I remember many doubting Thomases back then who couldn't imagine  computers 
ever becoming a household item.  Studied Basic programming  language which soon 
became obsolete; but it was a great example of strict logic  for an 
application to work.  Also was useful as an example to students how  one 
misplaced word 
or punctuation mark could screw up thousands of lines in a  program.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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