In, "Jack Pitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Basically, we tend to reward students for good athletic  performance
over good academic performance, such as sending kids to college because
of  their sports abilities.

>From Susan Hockfield, President of M.I.T.  A conversation with Susan
Hockfield, President MIT - Charlie Rose

Our education initiatives have remained flat while rest of the world has
caught up or soon will:

College graduation rates -- The U.S. was #2 in 1995; now we are # 15.

In M.I.T.'s freshman class, 46% are women.  8% are international
students.  25%  were not born in the U.S.  The overwhelming majority
have at least one parent or grandparent who was not born here.  And
there is no comitment to keeping international students here rather than
returning to Asia.

There are more women than men in several Departments of Science and
Engineering  at M.I.T.

The U.S. government invested 2% of GDP in the 1960's to reasearch
development.  Today it is pulled back to less than 1%.

One half of our economic growth after WWII came from technology.  China
has had a total commitment to research, development and education; it
now graduates more scientists and engineers tha the U.S.


For better or worse, football heroes and Championship Season jackets are
not part of the picture in the global market.

"Ninety percent of this game is half mental."  attributed to Yogi Berra

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