In a message dated 2/20/2008 1:06:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

"2 Million Minutes" which is a comparison of ...US schools vs.  the rest of 
the world. ... The reason I'm posting this here is because we  had a few big 
examples of this in our city. I'd love to see AP jump on the  band wagon and 
start pushing students to be more then ball throwers and  catchers.
Watch students going to and coming from various schools.  Strong  
correlations between number of students carrying home books for homework  and 
the success 
rates for schools.
Also, some of our surrounding high school districts tout their high  rate of 
college acceptances; what they don't publish is the high number who drop  out 
before getting a degree.  I used to share an article with my students  about 
the many business owners who preferred college degrees for their job  openings 
which didn't actually require a college degree. Why?  They  considered most 
high schools to be mere diploma mills.  A college degree,  they said, indicated 
perseverance and a good work ethic in the  applicant.
There are many private schools without intermural sports who have more  
applicants than they can accommodate.  Those on the secondary level  
instead, on intramural sports: solid gym classes which  emphasize life-long 
physical fitness and life-long athletic recreation more than  competition.

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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