"More specifically, its the prejudices imprinted on our minds from stereotypes that hurts us in Court."

...like Osama/Obama?

On Jul 24, 2008, at 10:43 AM, justifiedright wrote:

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "evosap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> hey...didn't you write that there was no big deal in the "jew
> incident over at whatever the lake house used to be? ..different
> because it was a server? could be. or because you are italian?

To the contrary, dear friend. I even received a nice call from a
Rabbi thanking me for taking the time to understand the issue from a
Jew's perspective.

> i recently asked dan for a copy of that piece, which he didn't
> i remember really enjoying your take on it.

Send me your email, and I'll favor you with a copy.

> Do you speak against the love of Sopranos?

Some of my writings against the Sopranos went "viral" and were
emailed and repreinted nationwide. It's a thrill when you wake up
one morning and your emial is full of messages from around the

> I was practically raised
> by my neighborhood italian families who fed me, loved me and never
> killed anyone. i have been disgusted by the show from day one...

Glad to have you on board.

> it is funny how we still call each other names, but even funnier
> it upsets us. and unfortunately, due i think to constant coercion
> our flat homogeneous culture that does everything it can to quash
> individuality, we too often fit stereotypes. and stereotypes do
> on your nerves.

Funny that it upsets us? Gets on our nerves?

Someone yesterday told me I was making too big a deal over that
matter, citing "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will
never hurt me."

I responded, "Words will never hurt you? Come sit in on a few jury
trials with me, when fortunes and freedoms are at stake. Tell me
then that words will never hurt you. THAT'S ALL THAT HURTS YOU."

More specifically, its the prejudices imprinted on our minds from
stereotypes that hurts us in Court.

Words mean things. They matter alot.

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