Where is the heavy note? Hope it did not sink in the net from its own weight .

BTW, does Ruby Bhuyan speak for ULFA or does she merely serve as a dispatcher?

Why I ask is because to assume Ruby Bhuyan as ULFA's brain trust, would either indicate groping at straws to devalue ULFA or bring burdened by a rather uncritical outlook, if not entirely naive. I hope it is the former .

cm :-)

PS: Would like to see Utpal's note, so we can weigh it and see how heavy it might be. Deal?

At 5:13 PM +0530 9/30/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
Utpal Borpujari had written a heavy note with his posers for ULFA and I was apprehensive about how ULFA would react. My apprehensions been proved correct. The replies that ULFA has put in blue colour in the original writing of Utpal make very little sense and displays the vacuity in ULFA's level of thinking. In fact, each and every response from ULFA in the net, meagre though they have been so far, shows their utter ineptness. No doubt, they are avoiding direct talks so far. Just imagine, when they sit for talks, with the level of arguments that they have provided to uphold their cause so far, how much they would reach? No doubt, in this particular case, they start with the response maybe Last if you try to misuse. You can be sure they would run away from this discussion any time now.

Your Heritage is your asset-use for Assam's happiness
What do you make out of this?

Utpal stated "Does this mean that in ULFA's map of Assam, Bhutan/Arunachal Pradesh/Nagaland/ Manipur/Mizoram are all included as an integral part of Assam? Asking because between Assam & Tibet are Bhutan & Arunachal, between Assam & Yunnan is Arunachal, and between Assam and 'Maan' are Arunachal/Nagaland/ Mainpur/Mizoram. And the southern borders do not mention Bangladesh.Can we have an image of the independent Assam that ULFA wants?"
ULFA replied: You just stated it. Not ULFA - but by all living therein.

Again, not easy to make out what they mean. I can only deduce that ULFA's independent Assam will include Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland etc and nothing is definite about Bangladesh. As they say, "Mantabya Nisproyojan."

Everybody Working ,learning, eating ,living in 21st century's best place on earth to live-guided by worthy good people. We ll this seems to be ULFA's economic model for Independent Assam. God bless my country and my countrymen.

For that matter, anyone who can make sense out of the following responses, please take the trouble of enlighting me.

These are bored employees killing themselves in hundreds.

they come and  they go settlers Ask your blood brothers

democracy? After course has been RESET

Any FILM /TV/PAPER STORIES are total waste and Monkey business. Assamese need to throw these out as garbage.

We will Elevate them to heights

Is there a possibility There IS of ULFA extending the ban to literature, dance and other art forms from outside?
There is a possibility that ULFA's role model is Aurangzeb.

Utpal had asked " 12. What are your views on NSCN-IM's demand for Greater Nagalim which includes parts of Assam , Arunachal and Manipur? All Assam will be their own." W e thought ULFA has sold out to Bangladesh. It seems that contract is with NSCN-IM.

These are just a dozen. If I have more, I will send them in my next mail. Plz. Do not.
So the escape hatch is already open.

99.999% Assamese Expect us to productive work. Journalists need no coaching ,spoonfeeding.
Productive work eh?

I think any more comments would be super farcical.

Shantikam Hazarika

On 9/27/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I fully agree with Mrinal that for the first time maybe Last if you try to misuse , at least one section of Assamese (those with access to the Internet and part of this e-group) are being able to have a direct interaction with Ruby Bhuyan (or as Mrinal says, a person assuming the identity of Ruby Bhuyan since the original RB has already surrendered quite sometime back), and through 'her', the ULFA. So, let both sides

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
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HOME PAGE: <http://www.aimguwahati.edu.in/>www.aimguwahati.edu.in

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