IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> wrote on
02/28/2014 11:18:33 AM:

> From: Hobart Spitz <>

> I think this discussion needs to distinguish clearly between
> (treating caps and lower case the same) and case-insensitive (treating
> upper and lower case of the same character as different).  "Mixed-case"
> could mean either, and is therefore unclear.
> IMHO, case-insensitivity is not human-friendly.  I can't think of any
> reason to use it, but no doubt someone has,

In human language based communication with other humans, case-sensitivity
is meaningful and helpful.  In any communication with automatons (except
data entry), case-insensitivity is more human-friendly and can be easily
tolerated by the machine(s).  Making STUFF stuff Stuff sTuff ... have
different meanings is not as fault-tolerant as it could be.


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