
Why are you taking a pleasant discussion and turning it in to a flame war?

Tony Thigpen

Tom Marchant wrote on 11/14/2014 03:31 PM:
On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:34:52 +0100, Fred.van.der.Windt wrote:

Could't agreement more: the two columns are a nightmare.

Nightmare? I understand that many don't like it. Maybe most don't like it.
I don't know, maybe Mark and I are the only ones who like it for this manual.
When I see hyperbole such as this, my tendency is to dismiss the opinions
that are expressed.

I'm puzzled by the strong reactions this thread evokes.

Does that include your own strong reaction, where you refer to the two column
format as a "nightmare"?

To me it is so obvious that the current format does not work as a PDF (or 
similar format).

"It is obvious." Does that mean that anyone who disagrees is an idiot?
When you express your opinion and your preference as fact, you undermine
your credibility. I understand that you don't like it. Perhaps you dislike it so
much that it doesn't work for you. It does work for me. In fact, it works
rather nicely for me.

The various suggestions and ideas just show that need some kind of dynamic,
configurable format with several ways to locate and display the information
(an app is an excellent idea).

The suggestions show a desire, which is different from a need.

It amazes me that there are actually people that think the current format
is just fine and doesn't need any improvement...

I never said that. Please don't tell me or anyone else what I think.

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