I think there is clearly room for some kind of new documentation to meet some 
people's needs.
If this many people think so, then that's pretty much proof it's needed.

There is also a contingent that thinks the existing format of the POP is fine 
as is for their purposes.

Probably the existing publication should stay as it is but there should be a 
new document that takes care of all these other needs.

Not sure IBM will make that happen, or even that they are necessarily the ones 
who need to write that new book.

But it's clear that there is perceived need for such.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Gary Weinhold
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Redesigning the Principles of Operation Manual

You know we're all just talking about presentation of information, not the 
information itself.  So what we want is a flexible (tailorable?) interface to 
the information, not a change in the information itself.  
So with all the advances made in user access to information, we're saying it 
can never apply to the PoOp information.

Gary Weinhold

On 2014-11-14 12:32, Tom Marchant wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 09:03:59 -0500, Tony Thigpen wrote:
>> After thinking about this for a few days, the biggest 'complaint' I 
>> have with the POP is the two columns. It makes me have to scroll up 
>> and down just to read the end of the paragraph that started at the 
>> bottom of the left side.
> Some of us like it in two columns, some hate it. I happen to be in the former 
> group.
>> The second issue is the way the "if 24bit, if 31 bit, if 64bit"
>> statements read.
> For myself, I have no difficulty with the "for L, ... for LH, ..." kinds of 
> statements.
>> Suggestions:
>> 1) Make each group of instructions (like ADD) start on a new page.
> Not necessary, IMO
>> 2) Use two columns for the instruction bit pictorials. Put 24/31 bit 
>> on the left and 64 bit on the right.
> Yuck.
>> 3) Use a full width paragraph for things common to both 24/31 bit and 
>> 64 bit.
>> 4) Use the left column for 24/31 bit specifics and the right column 
>> for
>> 64 bit specifics. These groups are side by side for the same 'subject'.
>> If there is no 64 bit specifics, then leave a gap in the right side.
> I really don't like this.
>> 5) If possible, consider placing the simple examples directly after 
>> the instructions.
> Clutter. Please don't.
> Clearly, there is no consensus here that any of the proposed changes are a 
> good idea.

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