On 09/11/2021 08:53, Jonathan Scott wrote:
It is still stored within the last section of the literal pool (because at the time of definition, it is not necessarily known whether it will be referenced by relative address)

Given that it has an odd length, it cannot be stored in the forth
segment without padding since it would mess up the alignment
of the next literal in the segment.

On 09/11/2021 01:53, Mark Boonie wrote:
No space is wasted except, possibly, at the origin of the pool, and
in aligning to the start of the statement following the literal

So this isn't entirely correct: the last segment may have padding bytes.


Dr Martin Ward | Email: mar...@gkc.org.uk | http://www.gkc.org.uk
G.K.Chesterton site: http://www.gkc.org.uk/gkc | Erdos number: 4

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